Episode 7:

Masculine and feminine energy -
How to use both in your online education biz

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In this episode, I go into the masculine and feminine energy and how operating in both is going to help you build a more sustainable and successful business. 

It isn't a common topic to be discussed, and I think most of us tend to operate in our masculine energy which is great to a certain extent but then it can become damaging. In this episode, I share with you how it looks, in reality, to be in your masculine and feminine energy and how that can show up in business. 

You will learn:

  • What masculine energy is and what it looks like in life and business.
  • What feminine energy is and what it looks like in life and business.
  • How balancing these two energies in your body and business can create sustainable growth.
  • How potent and magnetic the feminine energy actually is and a reminder to lean back into this nurturing and powerful place. 

As business owners, we need to learn how to tap into both for growth that doesn't burn us out. 

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If you are wanting help in creating a course that you can sell for years to come (and escape the 1x1 teaching treadmill) then join the waitlist for the Educators Income Booster Bootcamp HERE. This is my $37 live 10-day training experience where we take your knowledge and map it out into an irresistible offer that can scale your income and impact. The next enrollment will be in January 2023 and if you're on the waitlist you will receive a special early bird bonus.

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 Welcome to the Empowered Edupreneurs Podcast. My name is Michelle Smit and I am an ex-teacher turned online business coach for Edupreneurs the owner of Digiteach and a six-figure entrepreneur. I am in love with empowering educators just like you to create freedom filled online businesses and lives they love.

If you are looking to up level your skills, your finances, your mindset, and change the trajectory of your life as an educator in business, then you are in the right place. Think of this podcast as your weekly dose of business and mindset development to help unlock the infinite potential within you. To play bigger with your life and go after your dreams. We are going to have so much fun together. So thank you so much for pushing play today. Now let's dive in.

Hello? Hello, hello, fabulous one. I am super happy to be connecting with you again today I am recording this podcast of after having an amazing two-day getaway from the city we went to go stay on this gorgeous farm. We did lots of nature walks and we actually even Segway all over the farm, which was really the coolest experience, and I was super scared at first.

I didn't have like any confidence with myself. On the Segway I was like very shaky and like unsure of myself, but within 10 minutes it actually became like natural. Where I didn't even have to think of what to do. I just knew how to do it, and I was thinking that's exactly like how in business, when you start something new, you're not confident, you're shaky.

You're extra scared. You think you're going to fall on your face. But after doing it for a while and more than 10 minutes, in this case, the Segway was quite a fast-learning curve. But in general, it's going to take you more than 10, 10 minutes. But you'll sort of sink into it and it'll become natural for you.

And whatever you're doing in your business, that was once scary will become normal for you and you'll just do it and you won't even be scared anymore. And that is so cool. And that is the key is, is to not give up before reaching that point. And I think a lot of people, when they're in that struggle city phase where you're just like unsure of yourself, you're not very confident, everything you're doing is new.

You don't really know. If you're doing the right thing, you're terrified of falling on your face and failing. A lot of people give up in that point and they give up just before they reach the point where that skill becomes normalized, they become good at it, they start building the confidence and things start clicking in.

So when I was on the Segway, I was literally just thinking about that, like the segway is like the perfect analogy for. That in business, although I wish it took us just 10 minutes to get good at stuff in business, unfortunately it takes quite a bit longer and patience is really key. Anyways, it was just really good fun to go in the middle of the week to this farm with my mom and Mike, my partner, and it just reminds me of how lucky I am to have my own.

That allows me just to escape midweek and do what I want like on a Thursday morning, just Segwaying on a farm, not having to worry about speaking to a boss or asking for leave and all that jazz. This really is the perks of being your own boss and running your own online education business that can go wherever you are.

And just a reminder to hold on and keep going with it because the benefits are absolutely worth the struggle. Okay, today's podcast is going to be all about. Energy a little bit woo woo in the topic today. It's not like as literal or logical or strategy based as a lot of my content is.

I love speaking about energy and woo woo stuff, and that's what this podcast is about today. We're going to be talking about masculine and feminine, feminine energy in business, and how to use both in your online education business. Being able to identify these things in yourself, so these energies in yourself, and learn how to balance out your feminine energy with your masculine energy in business is going to help you build a more sustainable business in the long term.

And a business that is built on a strong foundation and not. On burnout and the grind. Okay, I think let's talk about both a bit first, and then define them for you so you can understand what masculine energy is and feminine energy is. Now, when I speak of energy, I'm generally referring to your internal world, your beingness, your identity, your vibe, essentially.

For example, if you identify as a successful entrepreneur and you feel confident in your business and your launches, that will emit a certain energy out into the world and people can feel that energy and that changes the potency of the actions you take. And that ripples out into greater success, typically.

Okay, when I talk about energy, it's internal stuff. Now I'm talking about masculine and feminine energy. Today we all possess masculine and feminine energy. Everyone. It has nothing to do with gender, by the way, males carry feminine and masculine energy, and females carry masculine and feminine energy.

We all have both essences of those energies, but typically we will lean into having one more dominant than the other. Some people are more in their masculine energy by nature. It is their main disposition, and others operate more in their feminine energy. That's their main vibe. So don't think of masculine and feminine energy in a gendered way because it's not all genders carry both of these energies in their body everyone.

What does masculine and feminine energy look like? Okay. Your masculine energy is rooted in doing, in taking action. It is the logical mind. It is the analytical mind. It is the go-getter, the hustle, harder energy. Most of our society is actually rooted in hyper-masculine energy. It's all about the productivity, the generating results, the being busy, the working hard.

You know the going after the clients and the making the money and all that jazz, and because of this, most people, I think. Are sort of conditioned into being more in their masculine energy and operating more in that space. Because it's just normalized and it's become learned behaviour like in terms of how we grow up and, you know, society's conditioning.

But in reality, your masculine energy in business would be your analytical strategy, logical mind. It'll be you plotting out your game plan for your launch and then taking action on that game plan. That's an example of masculine energy in business. In order to actually build your online education business, you need to have masculine energy.

You need to be able to think strategically. You have to have that mind that logical mind intact. And then you also need to take action and implement. You actually need to go and do the. And when you go and do anything in your business, whether that is to post on social media, to pitch your offer in a webinar, to launch your course, to send emails, to have sales calls, all of that is rooted in masculine energy.

That is your masculine energy playing upright. The masculine energy is stable and it's predictable. Its strengths are willpower, clarity, and focus and implementation and masculine energy, like structures and rules, and it applies logic and all of those things, right? So you can see how important it is to have.

Masculine energy and, and be in that energy in your business because there is a lot of structure and forward movement that happens in the masculine. Okay, that's the masculine. Now let's talk about the feminine. Feminine energy is rooted in being not doing it is rooted in knowing not knowledge.

Masculine is knowledge and learning. Feminine is just wisdom and knowing. Your feminine energy is rooted in the space of receiving. So it's not in taking action and going to get something, it's in leaning back and being open to receiving. The potency of the feminine energy is the, in the ability to magnetize what she wants, right?

So simply by being in her frequency and leaning into trust. She is able to magnetize what it is she desires toward her. She's not running after it. She's magnetizing it, and the power of the feminine energy comes from her soul and knowing who she is deeply, I'm using the word she, even though it's not gendered, I'm just referring to the feminine as she in this example.

So when you are in your feminine. You are deeply grounded in your heart and your intuition, and not so much in your head and your mind. When you are in your feminine energy, you are in your ultimate space for creation. Feminine energy is like the magical space for creation. So sort of unconstrained.

Just dynamic creation where you can create something from nothing with more ease, flow in alignment, and actually feminine energy needs expression, it needs creation. That's how it sort of expresses itself. The feminine energy also knows when it's time to slow down and nurture new products, ideas, or even yourself, right?

When you're in your feminine energy, you don't suppress your emotions. You understand that the emotions and feelings that you have are valuable messengers. You let them flow. You listen to them as lessons, and feminine is not afraid to feel. When you're in your feminine, you feel your feelings and you often, you know, in the feminine is all about diving deep into your soul and even facing the hard stuff.

And emerging stronger than before, right? Let's look at how both masculine and feminine energy play incredible roles in your business and how you really want to be operating from both of them. You want to be activating both. You want to be balancing them out, and you want to start to identify when you're in one, when you're in the other, and when you should lean into the other and things like that.

In order to build a business, you a hundred percent need to be activating your masculine energy, right? That is the action taker. That is the learner, the skill builder where you're studying, absorbing. That's the person who, that's the type of energy where you actually go and do the work you need to take action in your business.

Action is essential. You cannot create, manifest a business that can support you. by sitting on your butt and doing nothing, okay? You can't just be in your feminine and think things are just going to happen, right? Masculine energy needs to be there for the strategy, for the structure, for the analytical mind, and all of that jazz.

But what I often see is that we get so caught up in the masculine that we completely forget or shut down our feminine. And when you're building a business, you get really caught up in your head and not, you know, your body and your heart. And we get really caught up in this pattern of working hard and just grinding it out.

And we forget to just lean back and receive for example, in a course launch, okay? You'll need to be in your masculine energy a lot in a course launch to actually take action and get that launch runway and all of the action steps you need to take in your launch. That's your masculine energy, but when you open cart to your course and you open the doors to your program and you want to start selling and accepting students. Staying in your masculine the entire time is not the right route.

And I know I've learned this the hard way. If you are open cut and you start obsessing over your numbers or you check your data over and over again, or you look at your emails to see if you have any sales, emails or potential leads, and you become obsessive and you're constantly trying to like take action through your open cart to try hustle more and grind more just.

Like in this sort of fearful way, like you're panicking, like people aren't coming and you just hustle your way through open cart. That is not the right way to be in that space, okay? That's not the right energy you want to be in. This is the time where in your business you want to activate and lean into your feminine energy.

Leading up to your launch, you've got a whole runway, you're doing a bunch of stuff, you're taking action, you're doing all the things. When you open cart and you open the doors to your program, yes, there are action steps you will have to take during that week, like sending emails and showing up online.

When you're not doing those things, you want to be leaning back into your feminine, so that is leaning back into trust. You want to lean back into your heart, your intuition, your body. If you are feeling exhausted, you want to listen to that, you want to go nurture yourself, you want to rest. And you want to stop trying to control the outcome.

That's the masculine, okay? Trying to obsess and control the outcome is your masculine energy. You want to actually sink deeply into. You're knowing, your wisdom. You are knowing your trust that everyone who is meant to join your program will, and those people are on their way. Even if they haven't bought, bought, now they are coming.

If they're not coming right now in this launch, they're coming in the next launch. There's like an element of trust that knowing that the right people that you are attracting are magnetizing their way towards you. And in that, in that space, you want to be taking rest. You want to be doing things that are nurturing for you.

Creating like gratitude in your, in your body, like going and walking on the beach and go have a massage and get it into a space of gratitude and receival. Not hustle and grind, because that actually blocks, that blocks the energy and that's not magnetic. Remember, the feminine is very magnetic and it's so powerful.

Your launch is going to take a huge amount of energy. You're going to be doing a lot of stuff in your masculine, but when you hit open cart, you can lean back into that feminine and you can. Magnetizing those humans to join your program. And I don't mean do nothing, still go and show up, but don't show up in that energy of I'm going to grind myself out to the ground and I don't have any faith in any of what I'm doing.

I mean like show up in the energy of I trust everything is unfolding as it should. This is just, you know, divinely guided. And the more that I can lean into my looking after myself and expanding my energy, the why I'm going to be able to magnetize people into this program, not that hustle and grind, that needy energy that's not actually that actually repels.

If you're panicking, if you're obsessive, if you are harassing people, if you're being pushy, that is the energy that repels, okay. That would be an example of balancing out the masculine and feminine and having awareness of what that looks like in your business. Another example would be if you go and pitch your offer in an email, for example, you have a client, they're interested in your packages, you then give them your packages.

You send them an email and you pitch the package that would be in your masculine energy, you're taking action. Okay? If you then, in this situation, if you then went and obsessively thought about your pitch, and you went to check your emails every two seconds, and you were like sort of not letting it go, that's staying in your masculine energy.

That's all in your head. You don't want to be doing that. You want to go and take the action, which is in your masculine, and then at that point, once you have sent the email, you want to close the laptop, you want to forget about it. You want to go on a beautiful walk to the beach, you want to go have a shower, you want to go continue doing some other work, but you don't want to continue obsessing about it, and you want to lean into trust, into surrender and into receival mode.

That's the potent feminine and that is magical. That's an example, a small micro-example of being in your masculine and then leaning back into your feminine. So at masculine you take the action, it's an aligned action. You go and do the thing, and the feminine is then leaning back, not harassing, not getting into that needy energy.

Just knowing that the people who are meant to work for you will work for you and will work with you. The people who are meant to work with you will work with. All right. And overall, if you're thinking like about how businesses are built, they're typically built in hyper-masculine environments, but that is like the old paradigm, and that's where burnout exists.

That's where burnout thrives. To avoid burning out, you actually want to tap into that feminine energy more in your business. Your feminine energy is very, very powerful. It's very potent. It's very magnetic. And what I find is that having the strategy in my launch, like actually following a tried and tested strategy in my launch gives me a container for support where I can then more deeply access my feminine because I know I have the strategy at play.

I don't need to hustle anymore. I just need to apply the strategy. And then once I've done those action steps, I can. Be confident enough to then lean back into my wisdom, lean back into my trust, my inner knowing, and I promise it is such a better experience to launch like that. So when you actually have a strategy that you're following, you then don't have to think about anything else.

You just do the steps in your strategy and, you then lean back into your feminine and you move between masculine and feminine like that. But if you don't go back, if you don't lean into the feminine, you're essentially just grinding yourself out the entire launch and you're going to burn out eventually.

And. When you constantly operate in your masculine energy, you are just, it's a recipe for burnout because although masculine energy does, you know, get stuff done, and it is the action energy that creates your business, it's not super nurturing and replenishing. It's not like filling up your cup. It's more like depleting your cup.

Then you've got the feminine energy, which is more replenishing. It does fill you up. So if you're feeling burnt out in your business or say you doing

launches and at the end of the launch you are just destroyed energy wise, like you feel like a bus has over you. And that's how I used to feel in the early days of my launching and like the first two years of my business, every time I launched, by the end of that launch, it was.

Someone had driven actual bus over me and I couldn't really figure out why. And I realized now I was just operating so aggressively in my masculine energy and I wasn't actually leaning back at all into all the other delicious feminine energy. And ever since I started tapping into more of that feminine energy, I've been able to literally have bigger launches by doing.

And that's the power of the feminine is that the feminine energy isn't going to make you work harder. It's not like oh, I'm as work more. It's about just like anchoring so deeply in your beliefs and in your confidence and in your trust and in your, your like wisdom around how your business is going and the launches and all that jazz.

That that actually is so powerful that you can earn a shit load more by working less, excuse the French. But yeah, now when I launch, I apply the strategy, I take the actions, I do the work, and then I relax, and then I trust. I open my heart up and I know that the most amazing humans are meant to work with me in Digiteachers Biz Academy or in the Educators Income Booster Bootcamp.

I know those humans are out there in the world, and I know that they are coming to me. I know I'm going to meet them. I've got visualizations of that. I can see it. I can feel it. They are already coming and no matter what, they are coming. That is my belief. Those people are coming and that's more rooted in my feminine energy and that is more magnetic.

Because the frequency of that feminine is simply magnetic. It's just potent in itself. Whenever you are doing something in your business, you're in your masculine energy. When you are leaning back, trusting, being, listening to your intuition for guidance, listening to your heart and body you are then in your feminine energy and creating all that jazz.

And they are both such beautiful energies and they compliment each other perfectly. It's pretty much like Yin and Yang. They just go, well, they just match, and they just go well together. And your business requires the action and strategy of the masculine, and it requires the intuition and intuition and trust and creativity and knowingness of the feminine.

So can you look at how you operate right now in your business? Which sort of energy do you think is more dominant for you? For me, in my first two years of business, I both did you teach on pretty much only masculine energy? I worked hard, I worked with a lot of strategy, a lot of learning and logical mind stuff.

And I think the early days of business, I believe that you are more. Masculine energy because you've just got to build so many new skills. You've got to build the foundation of your business and that requires masculine energy. But once you've built that and you've got the foundation of your business and you say you're making money and all that jazz, and then you want to scale, then I would.

Feminine being more of the energy you want to be in. So for me, first years built my business on masculine energy. But now after that, I have seen the potency of the feminine and I have been super attracted to that gentle, feminine style of business where you take very intentional action steps.

You are very intentional about your masculine energy and the strategy stuff and, then when you're not doing that, you're really leaning into your feminine, where you're magnetizing people to you. And when you're creating your content and in creation mode, it's all magnetic. And I have learned to lean into that more now. And I know that masculine energy got me to a hundred K in business, but I'm likely going to scale my business more in the feminine energy.

Because that's more sustainable for me, and I know that the more I can deepen my trust and connect to my intuition and really optimize my energy and replenish myself, the more I can replenish myself and cultivate, like more, just more potent energy in myself, and also confidence and all that. The more I'm going to keep growing Digiteach without the hustle and grind, without the burning out, without the, all the other stuff.

And that's quite difficult to do in a hyper-masculine society where most businesses, people are just, you know, selling you strategy and grind and hustle and work. You have to really tap into what feels right for. Your intuition, your body, and you have to, you have to be relentless about it. And gone are the days of just building businesses in hypermasculine energy because that just isn't the thing anymore, especially in online business.

There are multimillion dollar online business owners who. Leading their business in feminine energy that isn't all about strategy and sales conversions and crushing the competition, you know, it's a different vibe. We don't have to do that. We don't have to subscribe to that.

There are other ways of growing businesses, and they are much more nurturing and good for the soul, if that feels right for you. Obviously if you love the hyper-masculine vibe, go wild, but if that doesn't feel right, there are other ways to do it for me. I'd prefer to scale my business up with obviously very strong strategy and all that jazz.

I'm down for that. I'm all about the strategy, but I'm also going to be really leaning into that feminine. There really is no rule book. You've got to feel into what feels good for you. You've got to listen to that. You've got to tap into your intuition because that is really where the magic happens, and that is the feminine energy, right?

If you are operating more in your masculine and you're wondering, okay, but how on earth do you even, where do you even start by tapping into that feminine energy? The ways that I have seen it to be useful or to work for me is, you know, dancing. Dancing really activates that feminine energy meditation as well.

Getting really quiet and still does that. Art as well, art is creativity. It is expression, it's, that's your feminine massage that is your feminine. Resting, just nurturing yourself. Doing some rituals for yourself. A morning ritual or a night ritual. Having a bath, all of that jazz for me, I, I think of that as me leaning more into my feminine and activating more of the feminine energy inside.

And my natural default is still masculine. That is just my dominant energy, you know, in my body and that's how I operate mostly in the world naturally. But I am constantly bringing myself home more to the feminine part of me, and I'm learning about it a lot more. And I'm, I'm activating that a lot more in my business and feeling a lot more wholesome and good for me. Especially in business.

So can you tap more into your feminine energy in business and can you let that become a potent force for your business to help it keep thriving. Not on grinding in empty fumes. Not on burnout, but on the absolute magic of knowing that you are destined for success and that the people that are meant to work with you are already on their way and just leaning into trust and receiving of those people.

 Not sabotaging it or working your way so hard that you can't even receive it. Like just opening the, the heart and the space for, more humans coming in to work with you and bigger cash months and all of that jazz. So this is some really interesting food for thought for you today. I hope you've enjoyed this topic.

I hope it hasn't been to woo woo for you. Too abstract, but that's what you're going to get from me. If you're not into speaking about the energies and woo woo topics, then maybe I'm not the best podcast to listen to. And yeah, there's probably other people who are more logical and analytical and strategy focused.

For me, this feels right. I, I know that. This is where the magic is, is using strategy and energy in your business, and that is like key to building a sustainable. Business that doesn't burn you out. Right? And that's what we want to do. I loved talking to you today. I hope you enjoyed this topic. Go and check in with how you're operating in your business.

Look at what your dominant energy is. Maybe you can tap more into that masculine and take more action. Or maybe you can lean in more to that feminine where you. Just trusting the process more and listening to intuition and being guided by something much, much more potent and deeper. Yeah, and if you loved it shoot me a message on Instagram, I love to hear from you, and I will chat to you all very soon.

Bye. Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode. If you love what you heard today, then be sure to share it with me by leaving a five-star review so I can continue delivering these goodies. If you aren't already following me on social media, then come tune into some daily inspiration on Instagram by following at _Digiteach_ or visiting my website at digiteach.biz

I appreciate you so much, and I can't wait to connect with you in the next episode. In the meantime, go create a business and life you love.

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The Empowered Edupreneur is your weekly dose of business and mindset development geared towards educators in online business. 

Michelle's mission is simple: To help educators unlock their infinite potential within, take back their power, and make their own money online. In this podcast, you can expect weekly inspiration, relatable stories, and business advice to help you grow your online business with more ease and joy (and fewer teaching hours). 

Be sure to hit subscribe so you don't miss an episode! 

Tags: business energy, energy, business energy, masculine energy, feminine energy, teacher identity, online teaching business, online education business, online business for teachers, educators in business, Edupreneurs, Teacherpreneur, teacher boss, identity work, business identity

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