Episode 98:

3 questions to ask yourself if your course isn't selling.

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Have you created a course / group program/ membership or any digital offer that is not selling?

Or do you want to improve your sales and make it a no-brainer for your students to whip out their credit card and pay you?

Then this is the podcast for you!

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The 2 main reasons why your offer isn’t selling.
  • 3 questions to ask yourself about your offer to make it a hell-yes investment!

This is a great episode to listen to if you are ready to enhance your offer so that your students can’t wait to buy it from you!

If you are ready to take your offer to the next level so that it can sell like hot cakes, then you’ve got to get inside my Live Educators Income Booster Bootcamp. I am going to help you map out your own HOT OFFER from start to finish on paper, so that you have the clarity and confidence to go sell the damn thing and make moolah!

This really is an incredible experience and I cannot wait to connect and serve you inside. 

Grab your ticket HERE. Doors will close on the 26th September as well as the pre-party kicks off! This is the only live bootcamp I am doing this year, so you don’t want to miss it.

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Welcome to the Empowered Edupreneur Podcast. My name is Michelle Smit, and I am an ex-teacher turned online business coach for Edupreneurs, the owner of Digiteach and a six-figure entrepreneur. I am in love with empowering educators. It is just like you to create freedom filled online businesses and lives.

They love if you are looking to up level your skills, your finances, your mindset, and change the trajectory of your life as an educator in business, then you are in the right place. Think of this podcast as your weekly dose of business and mindset development to help unlock the infinite potential within you to play bigger with your life and go after your dreams.

We are going to have so much fun together. So thank you so much for pushing play today. Now let's dive in. 

Hello. Hello. So good to be chatting to you today. And now I am officially 33 years old. I just celebrated my birthday. It was about two days ago and it was wonderful. I felt all the love from all over the world and just feeling very grateful and very blessed to have the life that I have. I've got an amazing family.

I've got an amazing husband. I've got great in laws. I've got a business that I love. I've got clients that I love to work with. I've got my DBA students and my little DBA family. Yeah, so much to be grateful for. And I feel like this next year I'm feeling very optimistic for it.

I think a lot of good stuff's coming. Hopefully we are going to move to Portugal. This is my biggest manifestation for this year coming up. I don't know if I've ever said this on the podcast before, but now that I have, I've announced it to the universe, we are going to move to Portugal.

And I'm saying that with absolute certainty, because it just has to happen. We really loved Portugal. 

But it's good to be chatting to you today. And I actually, on my birthday, opened up the doors to my live Educators Income Booster Bootcamp. So if you haven't seen yet, the bootcamp is officially open and this is the only live one I'm doing this year.

And so this is basically a 10-day live experience with me. And It's five days of training and then it's five days of implementation and bonuses. So it's basically 10 days all together where every single day we're going to meet and I'm going to help you map out an offer that is so juicy that people actually want to buy, that actually sells, that's actually desirable.

That actually makes you money. And this is a skill that is so valuable to learn. Because once you learn how to map out a strong offer, you can sell whatever you want online. So a ticket for the bootcamp, is 37 euros for the whole 10 day experience, which is insane. And if you want to upgrade, I have my VIP mastermind, which is 77 euros for seven group coaching calls.

So that's literally like 10 bucks a coaching call. And we're going to meet every day for seven days. And I'm going to literally incubate with you and we're going to just grow and expand together. I'm going to help you really just solidify your offer idea and your vision for what you want to create in your life.

It's every single day that we're going to be working together. There is no other opportunity like this where we can work so closely together for such an accessible price point. You'll never find 10 euros for a coaching call anywhere. 

And I do this because I want to make this knowledge accessible to people. I want to give people a chance to get ahead. And that's what my live bootcamp is. And if you've done my pre recorded one, you would have learned a bunch of stuff, but the energy of the live one is a whole nother ballgame. So if you have done my past Bootcamps or my pre recorded version, you're going to get invited with a 50 percent off tickets.

So it's literally like 18 bucks for you to join this live round. And I promise you, you're going to get live feedback with me live. All your questions answered live. I'm going to give you feedback on your offers every single day to improve them and make it better and spot your blind spots. And look at it from a marketing and sales point of view, which is very important if you actually want to sell something online.

So yeah, the doors are open. You can click the link below this, episode, you can message me on Instagram if you can't find it, but grab a ticket. We are going to start, I think it's the 26th of September. So we've got about a couple of weeks to go, but I'm really excited for it because I haven't done one in a year, so I've got a lot of energy, a lot of insights, a lot of inspiration that I'm just going to pour into this experience.

And I really want it to ripple and truly help and impact and change people's lives, which is what this bootcamp actually does. It's a very, very epic thing, actually. So yeah that's really exciting. And the topic for today is actually quite closely linked. So topic for today is three questions to ask yourself if your course isn't selling.

So if you already have. And it doesn't need to be a digital course. It could be a membership, a course, a group program, some sort of digital product that you have created that you are trying to sell and you're finding it's not selling and you're finding it very difficult to sell. Maybe you haven't made any sales or you've made a few sales, but you're not really happy with what it is or how it's going.

This is for you. This episode's for you. Now, typically when your course or program or whatever your offer isn't selling, it's either going to be an offer problem or it's going to be a messaging problem. A messaging and positioning problem. So an offer problem is just straight up. What is the offer? Is there a clear target customer. 

Is it clear who this offer is for? Is there a very clear specific program promise that has a transformation that people actually want? Are they bonuses? Are they juicy bonuses? What is the duration? What is the price point? There's a lot of ingredients that make an offer.

And most of the time, the offer is not strong enough and the offer is just weak. And so that's a huge problem. The other problem it can be as a messaging problem. The messaging and positioning. And that's just how you talk about your stuff, on your Instagram or on your website and your funnels or your sales pages. How you are actually articulating the offer. How you are talking to the people in your stuff.  

What are the pains you're talking about? What are the desires? Is the messaging on point and connecting with the avatar with your target customer? So that is the other problem that it may be. It might not be an offer problem, it might be a messaging problem.

But, what I've noticed is you can't come right. Even if you've got the best marketing in the world. It's really difficult to sell a weak offer, really difficult to sell. So you can be really good at sales, really good at marketing good at messaging. But if your offer is not right, it's Very difficult to sell. 

Today I'm really talking about your offer. And I want you to think about your offer, the thing that you're trying to sell. Now, your offer is not the course and the stuff itself. Your offer is the packaging and how you present your course to the world. I want you to think of your offer as wrapping paper. 

You take the gift, which is your course. And you wrap it up in wrapping paper. And the wrapping paper is the offer. It's how you present your course to the world, and you can take really boring, average gray wrapping paper and make it look like a really boring average gift.

Or you can get really beautiful wrapping paper, like golden, shiny, sparkly, opulent and wrap it up and make it look like this beautiful, luxe, amazing gift. So you can change the wrapping paper and the packaging of your offer. And that's what is key. And that's really what I help you do in the bootcamp.

Because an offer really has, I would say 10 to 11 key ingredients that needs to be baked in it for it to be strong and desirable and for it to sell. And these key ingredients, most people don't know about, they don't understand how to create a good offer. And that's because of course we weren't taught this, like where were we supposed to learn this?

It's like baking a cake. How are you supposed to know how to bake a cake? If you don't have a recipe of you've never been told. So this is what it is. It's like baking a cake. Your offer creation is like baking a great cake. And there are 10 to 11 key ingredients. And these ingredients, I'm going to walk you through step by step inside my live Educators Income Booster Bootcamp. 

And I'm going to help you bake in these ingredients into your office so it can solidify. It can be built on a strong foundation. It can be positioned in a way that it can sell. So when someone is on your Instagram or on your website, they reading it, and they're like, this thing is for me. This thing is speaking to me this is what I need.

This is addressing my pain. This is giving me what I want. So that's what you want to do with your offer. You want someone to be able to read it and feel that. So this is what I'm going to help you do in my bootcamp. 

I want you to ask yourself if your course isn't selling or whatever offer you have isn't selling, I want you to ask yourself these three questions.

The first question is if you were scrolling on the internet. And you landed on your now just pretend it's not yours, but you landed on your sales page where you had your offer mapped out or on your Instagram where you were talking about your offer, whatever. Your course and trying to sell it. If you were a complete stranger and you didn't really know much about this thing.

But you were reading the sales page of it. You're reading what it is, or you're listening to what it is. Would you buy it just purely based on what you were reading and hearing? So you didn't know how transformational the offer was. You didn't know how good the course is. Because now you're a complete stranger and you're just reading this thing. 

Now, honestly answer that question. If you were a stranger, was scrolling the internet and you were reading this thing on a sales page, would you want to buy it? Would you actually go and grab a credit card and go buy it? If that's a no, then there's some work to do. Because that's really what you want to get to is you want to help. Now, of course, in online business, we're actually mostly trying to build up a warm audience.

It's not like we want to find a complete stranger and immediately sell to them. All of the time you want to be building an email list of people who grow to know, like, and trust you. And then when you put an offer in front of them, they're more receptive to it.

So in this case, you're a stranger. But I just wanted you to think about that just purely based on how does this offer look, is it enticing and would I want to buy it? That's a good question to ask yourself from that perspective. And then you might see that your offers pretty bland, vanilla, vague, broad.

It's not clearly defined on who it's helping. It's not clearly defined on what the promise is at the end of it or the transformation you're offering. And you maybe wouldn't even feel compelled to buy it yourself. And that's a very good question to ask yourself. The next question to ask yourself is, do you think your offer, the way you presenting it to the world. 

Is a 10 out of 10, hell yes, no brainer, kind of offer. Meaning, are people like, oh my gosh, take my money this is amazing, kind of thing. If it's not, Okay. So that was the second one. Do you think your offer is a 10 out of 10? Hell yes offer.

The third question is if it is not a 10 out of a 10 hells yes, take my money kind of offer. What can you do to make it a 10 out of 10? Hells yes, take my money kind of offer. And that does not mean dropping the price, making it really cheap and affordable. That's not an option because that does not make it a 10 out of 10. Just because you drop the price does not make it a 10 out of 10.

People do not just buy it because it's a cheaper price. That is definitely not the way it goes. So I want you to eliminate the price out of it. And I want you to think, how can I make this offer a 10 out of 10 hells yes offer. So firstly, if you're in this situation and you're not sure, definitely join my bootcamp because we're going to take your offer from being vanilla to being chocolate chip cookie, caramel, lint goodness.

In other words, we're going to repackage your offer. So it goes from being broad and like blah to being like, oh my gosh, people can't wait to buy it. They waiting for the doors to open. That's what I want to help you do. I want to take that offer and I want to repackage it into new wrapping paper that makes it pop. That makes it like, yes! 

Resonates with your people. Okay. But the question here is what else can you do to improve your offer? So if you're a bit stumped and you're not sure, then I'm going to help talk you through a couple of ingredients that I will be going deeper into in the bootcamp. But these are some ingredients that will get you thinking in the right direction.

So in your offer and the way that you're presenting it to people, do you have a clearly defined ideal student avatar? In other words, is it clear when someone lands on it, who it is for specifically? Are you making that known? This is for new moms, or this is for classroom teachers, or this is from English teachers or ESL teachers, or this is for non native Spanish people. Who are you helping?

And is it very clear? When landing on the page or on the sales page, who it's for, because that's such a key one that is missed all the time. And you'll lose the person immediately. If that person can't see that that's for them, quickly. And that's speaking to them quickly, then you're losing attention at this point.

The next question is, does your offer have a clear program promise and end result? What is the transformation people are buying? Is it very clear that program promise? So what are they actually buying? What is the result they're trying to buy.

And the other one I want you to think about, if you've articulated that on the page. Is this result what people want? Is it specific enough and is it believable? So often people create a transformation or a program promise without even knowing what it is. They speak to what they think people want, but they don't speak to what people actually want.

An example of this is if you're a language teacher, your program promise might be: learn this course is going to help you learn the key grammar for B2 level English in less than six weeks. Now, do people want and dream about learning grammar? No, so why do people learn a language? 

They learn a language so that they can speak and connect with others so that they can integrate into countries so that they can get a job. That's why people learn a language, not because they're sitting there dreaming about grammar. You're speaking about the vehicle, versus the end result and the transformation.

And this happens all the time. People are speaking about the process and the vehicle, but not the end result and transformation. The vehicle is grammar. The process is grammar. The end result is speaking confidently, connecting with others, being able to speak In your workplace, getting hired for a job because you can communicate at B2 level.

That's the transformation people want. So are you articulating a transformation in your offer? And are you speaking to what people want? This is the most important. And this is the thing that people almost always get wrong. When I see offers, I see people are talking about things that no one cares about that people are not finding sexy.

And they're missing the point. They're missing why people are actually wanting to buy this thing. So you have to think about the end transmission. All right, it has to be specific and it has to be believable. You can't say you're going to go from being a beginner to an advanced Spanish speaker in less than four weeks.

That's not believable. Everyone's going to be like, cool, that literally is impossible. I can't speak a word of Spanish and you're telling me I'm going to be advanced in four weeks. So it has to be believable, specific enough, but also it needs to be juicy enough that people want to buy it. And you need to speak to the thing that people want. 

And the next question is, do you have juicy bonuses to amplify your offer? Because you want to increase the perceived value of the offer. So when people are reading what they get. You want the perceived value to exceed the price. So if you can get the perceived value to be 10 times the price, people are going to be compelled to buy that thing.

So you want to boost the perceived value. And a very good way, besides all of the things that I've just spoken about, especially that transformation, that'll increase the perceived value. But, you want to put in very strategic that are juicy, desirable, give people what they want and address objections that stop them from buying.

You want to build in and layer in bonuses to amplify the value of your offer. Many offers that I see do not have this. And this is a key ingredient. And this is something that should be done strategically. So don't just throw in free stuff and random stuff just to make it look more full. Your bonuses need to be very strategic and they should actually reduce the time in which your person gets a result as opposed to lengthening the time.

So don't go and create like a long course as a bonus. Because that's actually just time wasting for people. People don't have the time for that. So you want to think, how can my bonuses reduce the time for my student to get the result. And how can it address any common objections that might be stopping my student from even buying?

So how can I save their money? How can I save them time? Those are the kind of things you want to think about with bonuses. 

All right, so I want you to think about those questions. With regards to your offer, be honest, and this is the work you have to do because I'm telling you, it doesn't matter how good you are at sales and marketing.

If your offer sucks, your offer sucks, and the good news is you can repackage your offer. You can take off that bland ass vanilla wrapping paper, and you can repackage that offer into some beautiful, luxe, golden, sparkly, vibe. So it's just knowing how to do it and it's just being honest with yourself and Just really repackaging that thing. Because if you're trying to sell an average offer in this Day and age it's not going to work because there's just so many people selling stuff online. You've got to make sure your offer is a hell's yes. Something that people want.

All right, so I hope this was a good little bit of information for you. I hope you had some aha moments. Go and ask those questions. Go listen to it again and review your offer. Go think about those things and go join my bootcamp because that's what we're doing. We're going to take your offer and we're going to just map it into some epic, epic thing that people are like, oh, take my money. 

That's what I want. I want people to be lining up at the door, waiting for your doors to open and just whipping out their credit card, ready to pay you because they feel your offer just hits home for them. That's the kind of vibe that I'm going for.

And that's what I'm going to help you do in my bootcamp. Alrighty. So have an amazing rest of your day and I'll chat to you again soon. 

Ciao. Ciao.

  Thanks so much for listening to today's episode. I am beyond excited to announce that the doors to my live Educators Income Booster Bootcamp are officially open. 

If you are looking to escape the time for money teaching treadmill as a teacher or teaching business owner. And create a course or group program that can scale your income and impact for years to come, then this is the bootcamp for you. 

You can grab your ticket for just 37 euros on my website at digiteach.biz. Doors close soon, and I won't be running this live for a couple of months. So don't wait!

I appreciate you so much. And I can't wait to connect with you in the next episode. In the meantime, go create a business and life you love.

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The Empowered Edupreneur is your weekly dose of business and mindset development geared towards educators in online business. 

Michelle's mission is simple: To help educators unlock their infinite potential within, take back their power, and make their own money online. In this podcast, you can expect weekly inspiration, relatable stories, and business advice to help you grow your online business with more ease and joy (and fewer teaching hours). 

Be sure to hit subscribe so you don't miss an episode!

Tags: Teaching Classic Literature Online, Monetizing Literature Expertise, Literature Workshops for Book Lovers, Teaching English Literature Online, Building a Community of Book Lovers, Building a Successful Online Course, Monetizing Online Education.

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