Episode 58:

How to 5x your teaching income through launching courses.

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Hello, amazing one! Welcome back to the Empowered Edupreneur Podcast.

Today I am talking to you about how you can quadruple your teaching income through selling digital courses and group programs.

In this episode, I will share:

  • The essence of Trading TIME vs trading value for money and how this is the biggest key shift to make mentally.
  • The magic of leveraging the Compound effect and how you will never look back once you hit this stage of business. 
  • How using this course launch system can help you quadruple your monthly teaching income in 5 days.

This is something I am super passionate about helping educators and teaching business owners do and this is what I will help you with in my live Educators Income Booster Bootcamp.

Doors are officially open for the LIVE and final round this year of the Educators Income Booster Bootcamp for just €37.

I am going to help you map out your own program from start to finish on paper, so that you have the clarity and confidence to go sell the damn thing and make moolah!

This really is an incredible experience and I cannot wait to connect and serve you inside.

Click HERE to grab your ticket.

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Welcome to the Empowered Edupreneur Podcast. My name is Michelle Smit, and I am an ex-teacher turned online business coach for Edupreneurs, the owner of Digiteach and a six-figure entrepreneur. I am in love with empowering educators, just like you to create freedom filled online businesses and lives they love.

If you are looking to uplevel your skills, your finances, your mindset, and change the trajectory of your life as an educator in business then you are in the right place. Think of this podcast as your weekly dose of business and mindset development to help unlock the infinite potential within you to play bigger with your life and go after your dreams. 

We are going to have so much fun together. So thank you so much for pushing play today. Now let's dive in. 

Hello. Hello. It is so nice to be chatting to you today. I am actually recording this podcast from Cape Town from a little place called Hout Bay. It's literally in the mountains overlooking like beautiful mountains and the ocean. And I have been here for about three weeks now. I've been living my best life in Cape Town.

So this is where my family live. And I've really been practicing the two hour work week, which has been doing me wonders. I haven't had much time to work, but I have been soaking up a lot of rest, a lot of nature, a lot of family time. A lot of beaches, a lot of nice food. Whenever I come to South Africa, it's always very busy because I'm always catching up with lots of friends and family. So I pretty much don't work that much. 

I'll be honest. I don't work that much. I just deliver on my coaching clients and my Voxer clients. And yeah, it's pretty awesome. But I will say, I'm very lucky to be in this position. I'm very grateful. My life was not always like this. I promise you. My life was definitely not like this. I remember having to teach English online when I came home and I would have to be working like the whole time.

And so, very, very grateful to be in this position. And really the reason I'm in this position is a little bit of what this podcast episode is about, which I'll dive into now. But before I dive into that I wanted to let you know that the doors are open for my live Educators Income Booster Bootcamp for the last time this year.

For those of you who don't know what that is. It's a live mini course, I will be doing it live with you as a group, as a cohort. And it's about 10 days long in total, five days of training, five more days of implementation and bonuses and Q&A, but I'm going to help you map out your own course or group program that you can then go and action on and sell for years to come. 

And essentially you just need one offer. You just need one offer to change your life. One thing that you can sell a core program that can change your life and that can change your students lives. So this is an amazing starting point for people who want to launch courses, who want to sell courses, who want to create courses or group programs. Who want to move away from the one-on-one trade your time for money model. 

Whether that is in your teaching business, if you already have a teaching business or whether you're just an educator, online teacher, classroom teacher, any type of educator. You may not even be a qualified trained educator, but you are passionate about education and you have a skill or an expertise that you're very good at that you want to teach online and that you want to bring to the world and impact people with. Then this is the thing for you.

This Bootcamp is a great starting point. It is 37 euros for the ticket. It's all live. And if you can't be there live. Then as soon as you buy a ticket and join, you'll have access to all the recordings of the entire program for six months. So you don't have to be there live. Obviously it's fun and it's very impactful if you join live, but it is as impactful if you just watch the recordings and I'm going to make sure that by the end of our time together, you have made a lot of progress and you're going to feel a lot of clarity on your niche. 

On your target student, on this problem that you're solving, you're going to map out your course down to the T in detail, including the bonuses, the modules, the price, the duration, everything so that you have clarity in your idea that you can then go and execute and you can go bring into the world and you can go action on.

And one of the most important pieces is the offer. And there's a special way to build out an offer so that it's actually desirable and that it's positioned to sell because not all courses will sell. And there is strategy and ways of doing it that I'm going to help you do yourself. So I'm really excited about it.

It's my last one this year. It's one of my favourite things to do. I don't do it all the time. I think this is my third one this year, and I'm inviting you to it. If you want to join, there will be a link under this episode, which you can get signed up. If you have any questions, feel free to message me and ask me.

All right, let's talk about this episode. What am I talking about? So this is one of the reasons why I'm able to go on holiday for like a month and not really work and stuff and live my best life. And it's because of this concept of how you can quadruple 5X, 10X, whatever X you want, really, how you can quadruple your income, your teaching income through launching courses.

So you can 2X, you can 3X, 5X, 20X your income through launching digital courses or group programs strategically online. That's what I'm talking about today. So I'm going to share with you the essence of trading time versus trading value for money and how this is the biggest key shift to make mentally really. Especially as like an educator who's used to the traditional way of educating.

This is like a big shift to make mentally. Once you make it, you won't go back. I'll also talk about the magic of leveraging the compound effect and how that is just like such a game changer. And then I'm going to talk about how using my course launch system can help you quadruple your monthly teaching income in literally five days. 

And that has happened for me and it's happened for many of my DBA Students. This is the thing that I'm very passionate about and that I enjoy teaching most, and this is my expertise, is launching courses essentially. And the ultimate principles, how to stop trading your time and how to shift to trading value.

So what is trading time? Trading time is like the normal way that we are brought up in society to work. I mean, pretty much most professions, a lot of professions, if not most of them are trading time for money, meaning you work a certain number of hours and you get money back for that. And teaching is very much like that.

You have a contract, you work a certain number of hours, and you get money back for that. And the problem with this model is that it's very limited. It's not sustainable. It caps your income significantly. You will have an income ceiling because there's just not enough time. And time is honestly one of the most valuable resources.

If not the most valuable resource because it's not something you can create more of it is absolutely scarce in its nature. Every single minute that goes by we've lost it's gone, we're not going to live forever. And it's valuable time is so, so valuable. So when you are trading time for money.

You're in this trap, it's like a treadmill, especially for educators. And I know as an online teacher, this was my life. Just teaching hours and hours on end, and each hour I would get 20 an hour. And I was just on this teaching treadmill of teaching hours and hours and hours and getting 20 per hour.

And if I wasn't teaching for hours I wasn't earning. So I had to be teaching in order to earn. And it was burnout central for me. And I've seen this so much with educators, and it's just not sustainable. But this is the model that we live in. This is the way society works unfortunately. And that's why everyone is so exhausted and burnt out.

It just doesn't work in my opinion. It's broken the system in my opinion. And how can we shift that? And the way that I've been able to shift it is through trading value instead. So instead of trading your time where someone's paying for your time. They're going to pay for some form of value that you provide them. And the value that you provide them is your offer. 

It's your course or your group program, the curriculum, all the bonuses, all the things it's your offer. It's the solution to their problem. But the magic is that you build this product once, so you take your knowledge that you have. Your expertise, your lived experience, the results that you have, and the way that you got that result. And you package that into a process, into a curriculum, and you make it digital.

You create a digital curriculum, that someone can go through from module one all the way to the end that guides them through a particular journey, a particular process to get them to the result that they want. And it's something that you have to work up front for.

So you are going to have to work. It's not like this is going to create itself. It takes time to package your knowledge to conceptualize the process and to package that curriculum and to fine tune that curriculum and to build out your digital product. It takes energy. It takes time, takes a lot of push in the beginning to get it done.

But the magic is that you build it out once. So you work hard, you build it out once. You provide all the necessary resources and workbooks and tools that your student needs. And then you just keep selling it. 

And that is the value that you would be trading. So work hard once, build out this asset. This digital program, group program. And then all you need to do is strategically launch it online. And you can do many different types of selling it. Live launches, you can eventually move to evergreen style.

So there's lots of different strategies you can go about. But ultimately, your job is then to just market and sell. And then your job is to market and sell the product and then deliver it and then teach. So that would be your role. You would be doing marketing, you would do some selling, and then you would do teaching.

And don't get terrified at the terms marketing and selling, I promise you, it's not as terrible as you think. It doesn't have to be bad and sleazy and slimy. It can be done quite authentically. It's a really valuable money making skill to acquire in any case, because if you can market and sell, you really like set up to earn your own income online and be independent from jobs and things like that because you have the skill set.

But yeah, that's what you do. And then because you have this valuable asset that you can then get out into the world. What happens is you are going to be able to impact more people because you're no longer trading time, right? Time is now gone. Think of it like you write a book, which is an asset or you create an album, which is an asset.

It takes a lot of energy and creative power to create that asset. But once that thing is built, provided you've hit the nail on the head with the offer and everything, it will then sell and it can sell for years to come. And that's what makes you money. And because time is not a thing you can just impact as many people as possible There is no limit and this is the cool thing about it.

There is no limit You can impact as many people with it. People can buy it from all over the world. People can buy it while you're sleeping. People can learn from you while you are living your life. So I've been in Cape Town for the last month, but I have a lot of students who are in my courses and they are learning from me and I'm not teaching them at that moment.

Because I've created curriculum that people can learn from while I go and do other things. And so I'm leveraging my time. And that is the magic that is the trading value principle that is such a powerful shift in the way that you teach and earn. And I'm not saying that you're not there live teaching.

A lot of people get offended sometimes when I'm talking about this. Like, how can you never live teach? I'm not saying you mustn't live teach. I'm just saying, be smart about how you deliver your education online and create a curriculum that does the heavy lifting for you.

And then you can have live calls once a week to implement or to practice. For example, I have live coaching calls, every week with my DBA students. With my coaching clients, but I'm not teaching in those calls. I'm helping with implementation and strategy and coaching and helping them implement the stuff.

And that's why it's so effective. I'm not spending hours and hours teaching a concept. They are learning that concept on their own and I'm helping them apply it. And so this is actually very efficient for you as an educator. You don't have to keep repeating yourself a million times over. But it's also very effective for your students because they have access to actual methodology in the curriculum, which they can learn in their own time.

They can rewatch the videos over and over again until it clicks, and then they can meet with you live in a group capacity to implement and practice that stuff. And so it is really, really effective. And then you just work on selling that offer and eventually you just get really good at selling it and then it becomes really simple.

I see this over and over again with our DBA students. The first launch that they do with their course, it's a bit of a test run. So they're testing stuff, but then they relaunch and everything starts coming together and then they relaunch again.

So you just take the same offer and you keep selling it over and over. And then what turns in from like a $2,000 launch will turn into a $5,000 launch will turn into a $10,000 launch will turn into a $20,000 launch. And it will keep going. And that's also what happened exactly with me too. And this is magical and this is when you hit the compound effect.

So what's the compound effect. This is a term that I'm now coining in the digital course, launching space. Obviously it's in the investing space, but the compound effect is this amazing thing that happens when you get to a certain phase in your online business where you've got an offer It's converting so it's doing its job people are buying it. And you are launching it over and over again. Most people wouldn't have hit the compound effect fully in the first one or two launches, even maybe the third launch.

But once you start hitting like the fourth launch, the fifth launch, the sixth launch, and some people have it in the first launch, some people have it in the second, it depends. But you reach this point where you hit this phase. Where all the work that you've done accumulates, it accumulates and accumulates and accumulates all the tweaking, all the refining, all the data, all the learning, all the expansion, all the mindset work, all the inner work, external work that you're doing accumulates and creates this powerful, powerful effect where suddenly things just sink and it clicks. And then It's just magic, because you start making more money than you ever thought was possible. 

And your life changes as a result of that. You start impacting more people than you ever thought was possible. And you start making more money than you ever thought was possible. And from that your life changes and it doesn't necessarily happen quickly. For me, it took one and a half years to get to the compound effect.

I had done four launches and by the fourth launch, we had the $40,000 launch. And we made $40,000 in five days. And that was when I hit the compound effect phase. And that's when all the work that I did came together because I never gave up. And I just kept building upon each other. Each little thing that I did each minute of energy that I put into it came together to create this really big ripple and this tipping point where suddenly you've made it and you've had this powerful launch. And this launch has changed your life and you've got this money and you're able to grow your business.

And then once you get to that phase, life is so much better. Obviously the beginning is hard. My first year and a half was hard. It was really difficult, but I reached this point where things just started working. And that compound effect is where I want everyone to go. And it sometimes takes a bit longer than others, and sometimes it's a bit quicker.

But if you give up, you're not going to get to the compound effect. And so I keep saying, just keep going, keep going, keep chipping away, keep refining. And you'll hit that magical compound effect where things just sink and work. And you are in business, you are officially in business and you've got a growing, successful online business. 

And the way that I teach it to my DBA students is through my launch system. And this is why I'm always like, this launch system can help you quadruple your monthly teaching income in five days. For me, I made $40,000 in five days and I used to make $20,000 in a year from my job. 

So I doubled my yearly income in five days with this system. And many of my dba students That have applied this exact system have had 5k 10k $20,000 Launches. Meaning they make $20,000 in five days. And that is life changing if you can do that. It's really amazing. Even if you made $10,000 in five days, $5,000 in five days.

It's amazing. It's an amazing skill to have. And so I'm going to dive into this launch system more in my Educators Income Booster Bootcamp. But essentially step one is the attracting phase. Step two is the excitement phase. Step three is the education phase. And step four is the open cart slash conversion phase.

And these are essentially the phases that I guide you through in launching and selling your course. And if you apply this method, you really, really get good at executing each phase as it's meant to be done. You can quite literally quadruple your teaching income or whatever income you have in five days. And I've seen it over and over again.

I've lived that experience myself. It's completely possible and this system, it's quite simple in its nature, but it's tricky because it's all new skills. But if you learn it is transformational, and the beauty of this launch process is you build out the assets, the stuff you pull out the product once. 

You build out all the things that you need for the launch, and then all you do is you just keep refining and tweaking and rinsing, repeating. So it is quite simple in its nature. And when you apply that set system, that four step launch success system over and over again. You start to build skills, you start to build confidence, you start to know your audience better.

You start to refine your messaging better. You start to fine tune your offer better. You start to really create something that people want to. It starts to get momentum on its own.Andthen you hit the compounding phase. And that's when magic happens and your life changes. And I've actually seen people have this in even their first launch. Like some of my DBA students will launch for the first time and just make $8,000 right off the bat, $8,000 in five days from selling their own digital program.

And then they keep selling that same thing. Some of them have made €50,000 selling digital courses and having so many students. And just life changing stuff where they're able to go and travel more, they're able to spend more time with their family. They're able to do what they want to do, you know, and that's why I'm so grateful to be sitting in South Africa, being able to do what I want to do and have this like spacious life.

Is because of the skills that I've built and because of I have practiced and acquired and this launch, I must say the launch system that I've used, it's changed my life and trading value has changed my life and building digital courses and group programs and learning how to market and sell has changed my life.

And so if you're listening to this and you're feeling energized at the thought of building these skills that will allow you to make more money, to escape the teaching treadmill, to create more of a spacious calendar. To maybe not teach one on one all day, but maybe just a few days a week. Or mostly do maybe group courses online so you can scale up and impact more students and things like that.

If this is feeling exciting for you, and you're feeling a zing. Then I really do invite you to join my Educators Income Booster Bootcamp. Because it's a great, great place to start for teachers, teaching business owners, online teachers, teacherpreneurs, people who are even just good at something and desire to have an online business and launch courses and teach their expertise or their hobby. This bootcamp is going to help you learn so much in such a short amount of time.

I kind of referenced it as like drinking a red bull that gives you wings because you're going to just be able to like fly after this thing. It's a catalyst for change. So just think of this as a catalyst for change. It's a kickstarter. It's a momentum booster. The energy that gets pulled in through this event is infectious and it just like propels you forward.

And as I said, you just need one hot offer, one program, one course that can change your life and your students life. And so many people are sitting on so many skills, so much potential that they don't even realize that they could monetize. Honestly, you could be an amazing baker and you could create a program helping people bake beautiful cakes. 

You could love knitting clothes and be passionate about knitting and you can help people knit beautiful clothes. You could be a pro cyclist and you can create a course helping people improve their cycling. Obviously, it needs to be a bit more specific. You could be a language teacher and you can create courses helping people learn that particular language.

We have so many language teachers in the bootcamp and in DBA. And if this is sparking excitement in you and you're feeling a zing. I invite you to join us. The Bootcamp is the entry level program that I welcome everyone into. I recommend everyone starts with that. It's a great tester, starter. And then based on the Bootcamp, you can feel into whether DBA is for you and whether you want to take the next steps. 

But DBA is like my big academy, my signature business program. And I think after the Bootcamp, you'll know whether the next step is for you or not. And it's going to be clear for you. But instead of having to go straight into the big academy, the bootcamp is this amazing starting point that gives you so much of what you need in the beginning and really shows you what this journey can look like and what is expected and all these things.

That you will know, okay, this is for me or not for me by that point. All right. So it's 37 euros. It's going to be one of the best 37 euros you spend on yourself. I can tell you that very confidently. And I would love to have you. So, feel free to click the link below and join us. And I hope you have an amazing rest of your day. And I will chat to you again next week.

 Thanks so much for listening to today's episode. I am beyond excited to announce that the doors to my live Educators Income Booster Bootcamp are officially open. If you are looking to escape the time for money teaching treadmill as a teacher or teaching business owner, and create a course or group program that can scale your income and impact for years to come. Then this is the bootcamp for you. 

You can grab your ticket for just 37 euros on my website at digiteach.biz. Doors close soon, and I won't be running this live for a couple of months. So don't wait. 

I appreciate you so much. And I can't wait to connect with you in the next episode. In the meantime, go create a business and life you love.

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The Empowered Edupreneur is your weekly dose of business and mindset development geared towards educators in online business. 

Michelle's mission is simple: To help educators unlock their infinite potential within, take back their power, and make their own money online. In this podcast, you can expect weekly inspiration, relatable stories, and business advice to help you grow your online business with more ease and joy (and fewer teaching hours). 

Be sure to hit subscribe so you don't miss an episode! 

Tags: Increase teaching income, Course launches, Financial freedom, Educators, Edupreneurs.

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