Episode 56:

5 scalable offer types that can make you money for years to come.

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Hello, amazing one! Welcome back to the Empowered Edupreneur Podcast.

If you have been in my world for a while then you will notice that I talk about scalable offers all the time.

Scalable offers have quite literally changed my life because they have shown me that you can teach and impact a limitless number of people whilst earning a limitless income with little correlation to you working a lot more hours.

Who wouldn’t want that? I thought I would share a few different scalable offer types that you can build into your online business to make more money and help more people without working more hours.

In this episode, I will share:

  • 5 scalable offer types that you can build into your business to increase your income and impact.
  • How each scalable offer can work in your business.

In my LIVE Educators Income Booster Bootcamp, I am going to help you map out one HOT scalable offer, whether that is a course or a group program, that you can sell for years to come.

Doors are officially open for the final round this year for just €37.

I am going to help you map out your own program from start to finish on paper, so that you have the clarity and confidence to go sell the damn thing and make moolah!

This really is an incredible experience and I cannot wait to connect and serve you inside.

Click HERE to grab your ticket.

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Welcome to the Empowered Edupreneur Podcast. My name is Michelle Smit, and I am an ex-teacher turned online business coach for Edupreneurs, the owner of Digiteach and a six-figure entrepreneur. I am in love with empowering educators, just like you to create freedom filled online businesses and lives they love.

If you are looking to uplevel your skills, your finances, your mindset, and change the trajectory of your life as an educator. In business, then you are in the right place. Think of this podcast as your weekly dose of business and mindset development to help unlock the infinite potential within you to play bigger with your life and go after your dreams.

We are going to have so much fun together. So thank you so much for pushing play today. Now let's dive in.

Hello. Hello. How are you? I hope you are well. Thank you for being here and tuning in to my podcast as always. So a couple of things that I want to dive into. I wasn't sure I was going to be running my live boot camp again this year. I just didn't know if I had the capacity for it. But then I woke up at some point in October and I just had this feeling of, I needed to do another one before the end of the year.

And so I have decided now that I am going to run another live Educators Income Booster Bootcamp at the end of November. So, the doors are open, I think by now. The doors are open and you can join and buy a ticket for this live round. 

Basically, if you don't know what it is, it is my 10 day training bootcamp where I help you take your knowledge and package it into a really solid offer that you can then sell for years to come. And a scalable offer. So a digital core / group program, something that's scalable. So you basically don't have to continue trading your time for money.

You can take that knowledge that you have, map it out into an offer in a way that it can actually sell, that's positioned in a strong way to sell. And I'm going to help you do that over the time together. So by the end of it, you will walk away with your own offer that you can go and launch into the world. Which is really, really amazing.

And so much character comes from this. It's probably one of my favourite things to run, but it's takes a lot of energy. So I don't do it all the time. I think a max I'll do it three times a year. So this will be the third time and it is open. You can buy a ticket, the doors will close. 

And if you want to have access to me to help you with course creation, course launching all of the things with the creating an offer that you can sell, that helps you escape the teaching treadmill. This is the best place to come is my bootcamp, because it's just so low cost and it's just such high value and you're going to walk away with so much.

And then based on that, you're going to know exactly what your next steps are. Alrighty. So underneath this audio, whatever it is, you can find the link to signing up and I hope to see you inside. 

Now, what am I talking to you about today? I talk about scalable offers a lot. I have a roadmap all about turning your one-on-one students into a scalable offer, which is a free sort of guide that you can download. But I think I use the term scalable offer a lot and I don't know if people understand what that actually is and what that can look like. And so this episode is literally just telling you five different scalable offers that you can have in your business that will make you money for years to come.

So that's what I'm talking about today. It's going to be simple, short, sweet, and to the point. I will try to be to the point that's my goal often with podcasts. And then I end up going on a little bit longer than normal. But basically when I talk about a scalable offer, I am talking about something that has scalability in mind, meaning it is not attached to time.

That's the most important thing. It needs to be not directly correlated to hours of you teaching or coaching or whatever it may be. It also means that you can have one student do it, you can have ten students do it, you can have a hundred students do it, and it's not going to increase your time in a big way. It might increase slightly in certain things, but really it's scalable.

It doesn't connect your time. That's really important. That is the key thing. You really want to stop having something on a one-on-one basis and move towards something on a scalable basis where you can bring people in at a larger. Group without having to keep working more so you can earn more without working more ultimately.

And when I talk about an offer it's almost like the packaging of how you position your product online and it's the format of it, the packaging of it, the positioning of it. That's your offer. The thing that sells your products are, are your offers. I want you to think of your offer like wrapping paper or cake decorating of your, say your course.

Your offer is how you position it, how you Put it out into the world. It includes bonuses. It includes all sorts of things to sort of strengthen the offer. And that's what I go into in my educators and can boost your boot camp is building out a really strong, solid offer that is desirable that people actually want to buy.

It's a skill in itself, it's a very valuable skill to learn. But there are different types of offers that you can create, that are like different format structures. And I think you hear these terms a lot online potentially, but you maybe don't understand them or whatever. You don't really know the difference between them.

So I'm going to run through them with you. And... And they're great. All of these are great offer types that you could build into your business. Now that doesn't mean you must go and build all of them into your business. They all have pros and cons, and you have to do what feels aligned. You have to go for the business model that suits what you like most, but all of these are great options.

All of these offers that I'm sharing with you are scalable. There might be a little bit of an attachment to time, but in a much more scalable way, and they can all make you money for years to come. So I'm a big fan of choosing your own signature program or your core program and focusing on that to be your biggest moneymaker and channelling all your energy into selling that one thing.

But if, and having multi, if you want to have something after that and sell that, but not having like a million different offers and selling a million different things, because that is when things get a little bit complicated and exhausting. And I'm all about simplicity at the end of the day. 

All right. So let's look offer type number one is a digital course. So a digital course, I think everyone knows what a digital course is. It's basically digital curriculum. You buy a course, you get access to that training portal, you log in and then you've got video training, and you've got different things that you can watch.

You maybe have different resources, maybe bonuses. It's like a little online Academy. The video training is built out. It's normally done via modules. And then once someone purchases, they get access to login details and they have access to that training with you. This has no connection to your time in terms of the delivery of the product.

What will have to happen, obviously, is you have to build the product. So you have to build the course. Now, yes it's going to take you time to build the course. Don't get me wrong. It's not going to just build itself. You have to build the product. You have to build the course. You have to create the videos.

That will take time. But once you've built it and you should build it in a way that is evergreen, meaning it can live for a long time. Once it's built, you just then need to sell it. People can buy it at any point if you wanted to or during big launches. And it has no number limit. You can have a hundred, you can have a thousand people buy that product, log into your course and literally learn from you at any point in time.

You could be lying in bed, and have someone buy that course and learn from you while you are chilling on the couch, watching Netflix. It is not connected to your time. The ongoing process of it, what would be connected to time is obviously selling the thing. So marketing and selling, because that's just something you'd have to do. But the actual delivery of the product, there isn't much time investment.

Of course customer service is important and you might have a need to hire a virtual assistant, or maybe you would do it. Just managing emails and stuff like that. But it's not like you're sitting there in classes all day. Digital courses are normally, I would say commonly a thousand dollars or a thousand euros with up until that point.

As soon as you start getting to like the 2000 euros and stuff, it starts to become more of a group program from what I've seen. Where there's a bit more of a live component included into it. But if it's just purely digital DIY, they have no access to any live component of this program, then that's a digital course.

And typically you have digital courses up until a 1000 a 1500, depending on the niche and the topic and things like that. So that's a great one. I am a huge fan of courses and group programs, particularly. Those are my things. That's what I help people do mostly. 

And that's what has allowed me to be able to reduce so much of my working hours by taking my knowledge and packaging it into a program. And then just learning how to sell that program effectively has just been insane for me. So I feel digital courses are an absolute win. There's strategy behind it.

You can't just make a course and think it's going to sell, you have to sell it, but the actual delivery of it is pretty insanely easy, it's ridiculous. Once you've built the product, it's actually silly how little work there is. You'll be sitting there and just being like, okay, surely I should be doing some more stuff at this point.

The selling of it, not so much. Selling, it will take some time, but you'll get good at it eventually. So this is the thing about a digital course. Build it once and sell it. That's all you got to do. And it will make you money for years to come. Literally, it's an asset. It is an asset that will make you so much money.

The next offer type is a membership. I'm sure you have heard of this term before. I'm sure maybe you've been part of memberships before. People get a little bit in their head, thinking that it's drastically different to a course. And there is obviously differences between a course, but you would launch it in the same way.

So in terms of selling it and launching it, you would launch a membership in the same way as you would launch a digital course. As you would launch a group program, as you would launch a lot of things, right? The launch and the sales process is much the same, maybe slight nuances. 

But essentially a membership. Firstly I want you to think of the digital course as a core offer. Meaning it has a start date and an end date. And if you can price that course at a higher price point, it's a core offer. It injects revenue. It must inject profit into your business. That's ideal. But it has a start date and an end date.

So once the students go through that course, they've gone through that course, right? With a membership, I want you to think of a membership as a continuity offer, meaning it's an ongoing thing. I want you to think of it like Netflix. Once you sign up to Netflix, you pay a monthly fee and you just get new stuff on Netflix every month.

Basically, they release new content every month. That is what a membership is. Every month, or say it's every two weeks, whatever your content schedule is. Or how you want to drip feed it. Essentially, you are delivering them new content every month. And as long as they are signed up to your membership, they will have access to the current content and the new content for as long as they're signed up.

Memberships are amazing offer types for a different reason to digital courses. So digital courses, I would say are great for bigger cash injections because of the nature of a digital courses, you have normally a higher price point for it. So you're looking at between 500 to 1000. Maybe 1500. 

It depends on the niche, but it injects a bigger, faster amount of money into the business. Which you need in business. You do need profit to run and to grow. Memberships are typically on the more low ticket side. So you're looking at 27 a month, 47 a month.

I've seen ones that are a bit more expensive, like 300 a month. But that's on the higher price point for a membership. Normally you're looking at like even $7 a month. I've seen that quite commonly. So because it's low ticket, it needs high volume.

That's the nature. That means that you need to have a decent number of people in that membership for it to start actually making you money. But the awesome thing about a membership offer that is different to a core offer is it's a continuity offer, which means every single month you are going to get that money, which means it creates stability in the business.

So if you have a membership and you're selling it for, I don't know say 97 you just need 10 students in that membership for you to make about $1000. And then every single month, as long as you maintain that you're getting $1000.

So it is quite stable for the business. But it's ongoing, continuously. The thing about a membership is that you need to keep delivering on content because of the nature of the offer. So you can't just stop giving you content because people will just unsubscribe from the membership. So to keep people joined, you want to keep delivering on great content and a great experience.

So for me, memberships haven't felt so aligned because I haven't, I just haven't felt wanting to do that personally. But for many people memberships are amazing. They love the stability of knowing they're going to get that two thousand one thousand two thousand three thousand. Whatever thousand amount every month.

It's much more stable then having a digital course which is a one big lump sum, but when you have a digital course and you launch that. If it's a certain price point, you'll have payment plans and that will help with creating a bit more stability. But overall, both offers are great. You just got to find out which one is your vibe.

What I am a big fan of is having a core offer first and then a continuity offer after that. So you have a main program, you get people into that, you deliver on something, and then once they've gone through it, you can then sell a continuity offer to them so they can join a membership to continue working with you.

That would be a good sort of structure that would make sense. So then you've got both the stability of the recurring income from the membership and you've got the burst of income from the digital course when you are doing launches. So those are two other types It just depends which one is your style.

I have a weird thing, it's kind of funny, but I have a little bit of a commitment phoebe problem. I don't really like committing long term to stuff that much. For me, a membership feels like a huge commitment because it just feels so long term and I think that's why I'm not so keen on it, yet.

But for me it's nice that with a core offer, it's start date, end date, it's done. I don't have to continue and continue and continue till the end of time. It's so weird. I've got such an issue with permanence. I struggle to even have a permanent phone contract. And I've been in the Netherlands for five years now and I still didn't want to have a permanent phone contract. That's how weird I am. 

Anyways, the next offer type is a group program. So what does that compare to a digital course? So a group program is still a core offer. But it involves live delivery. So when it's a group program, it's like a coaching program. It's a group format. So you are going to be within a group on Zoom.

With group programs, you don't have to always have curriculum or a digital course connected to it. But I do, and I think it's most valuable to do that. Because remember, you don't want to keep teaching and repeating yourself to the end of time. So, package your knowledge and the teaching components digitally into an academy or into a curriculum that your students can go through in their own time, so you don't have to keep speaking about it and repeating yourself. 

But then, with the group program, once a week, once every two weeks, meet on zoom and have a group coaching call, whatever it is. A group practice speaking call, an implementation call, whatever it is, some live call with you in the group where you can implement the learnings, where you can answer questions, where you can give coaching, where you can help overcome hurdles, all of those things.

And because of the live component, the price increases because there's more support. So when you have the live component, the price increases. So that is a group program. It's typically will have digital curriculum that the students will log into in their own time, but there will be a live component to it, which would be whatever it looks like for you.

A call every week, a call every two weeks, one call every month. A group program also typically has a start date and an end date, so it's a core offer. It doesn't have that continuity of every single month, but group programs can range for up to 5000, sometimes even 10.000 I've seen. With group programs, it depends on the niche, they can go up very high, the prices.

And typically when you have that life support, the price increases. So it's great for profitability, group programs. It's great for being in a group and coaching in a group and having that dynamic. If you like groups, it's great. I love group programs. I'm a huge fan. And it depends how you are, but you can have pretty big group programs with up to 30, 40 people. If you wanted to. 

You just got to get good at facilitating those. Otherwise, you can maybe divide it into smaller groups. But ultimately, you don't want to be doing a million calls. What I do is I normally put a limit on my group program. Especially for DBA. And so, there is a limit to how many people can join.

And so, I can make sure the groups are not huge. It is scalable. But there is an end point. I wouldn't want 200 people in my couching call. I don't feel that's my vibe. But it is certainly scalable to a great extent. And I could always just cut divide the calls and have one extra call if I needed to. So instead of teaching one-on-one, that is a great scalable offer that you can build into your business. 

The next one is a mastermind. And so mastermind is like a group program. A mastermind implies getting together with other business owners, typically. To mastermind together.

It's a co-creation. It's a community thing where the value is in the network. The value is in who's in the mastermind. The value is in who are you coming into proximity with. Now, that is normally what a mastermind is. Masterminds are typically groups that you would join that range from being really small, maybe three or four people.

They're normally quite intimate masterminds. But I'm sure they can go up to bigger, but it's when you get highly skilled people in that niche and you come together and you mastermind together, it means being in the energy of people in the business world, masterminding is a big thing because as business owners, you want to surround yourself with other business owners.

And so you will pay to get into a mastermind to be in the space of other business owners and within the mastermind, you have someone facilitating the mastermind, obviously. The person who's selling it. But they're facilitating it, but they're not sitting there coaching and doing everything. It's more of a co creation of everyone within that mastermind.

That person will facilitate it. But then the whole experience is co created with those who are in it. So mastermind is normally on the higher spectrum of the price point. It doesn't always have to be like this. I'm not saying that this is all set in stone. You can have a lower cost mastermind.

It's not a big deal. But typically it is on more of the higher price point. It's normally because you're paying for people to deliver stuff in that mastermind, maybe experts speakers and things like that. Giving that elite experience, I would say. And making sure people get a huge amount of value out of it. And the good stuff, the attractability of a mastermind is being in the energy of people who are, a little bit more ahead of you that can then inspire you to jump ahead.

So I have been part of a mastermind. It's energizing to surround yourself with other business owners who are ahead of you because they actually propel you forward. So it's actually in your service to put yourself in spaces where people are ahead of you. Even though you may feel like, oh my gosh, what am I doing here?

Like such an imposter. It is in your service to do that. So mastermind is that kind of offer. It is a group structure. It's typically a higher price point. And this is kind of the offer that you don't go and sell directly to a cold audience. If you have a bunch of students and you have lots of students or clients, let's say you're a coach and you've got clients, you've gone through many clients, you've got a list of clients and customers.

You can then do an internal launch and open up your mastermind to them. So normally it's people you've already worked with before, who would come into that mastermind. Sometimes that's a rule. People aren't allowed to join a mastermind unless you've come through the first program, for example.

So that's a mastermind. It's a really cool kind of co-created space of good energy, ambition, growth, expansiveness, and it really does propel business owners forward. All right. So that is another good one. And then this last one is Voxer. And I don't know if you know what Voxer is, but it's similar to WhatsApp.

I use it quite a lot for my business, for coaching clients, but it's basically WhatsApp. You can walkie talkie and send voice notes to each other. So it's like a very fast communication system between a coaching client or a student. So a simple offer that is not as connected to your time as in one-on-one calls would be. But is having a group Voxer, you could almost call it a mini mind, like a group Voxer coaching program. A group Voxer program. Where people buy it and then they join your Voxer group and then there you connect and you talk to each other via voice notes.

They can ask you questions, you can provide coaching, guidance, whatever it may be. So this can work in certain niches, maybe not all niches. I've seen language teachers use it by getting the student to submit language clips in and then the teacher would give suggestions on how to improve pronunciation and things like that.

So it can be used for language business owners, but it is whatever price point you want it to be. But it could be a monthly payment. So it could be a hundred euros a month where they get access to you on Voxer for the whole month. And then you just can help them with whatever they need help with.

So that can be quite valuable. Some people can't afford to go pay for a one-on-one coach. But they can join a Voxer group and they can get access to support from you in a much more affordable way. So that is a nice potential offer. And because it's still a group, you can just get people to join that group whenever they purchase.

And it's just voice notes. It's not heavily attached to time. Yes, you're going to have to answer questions and deliver voice notes. But for me, that doesn't even feel like work. I love going and checking in on my Voxer clients and chatting with them. I love connecting there and sending voice notes.

So for me, it's amazing. And it's not a heavy product to create or deliver. It's just you offering your support or your coaching in a way that isn't connected to one-on-one calls. Because I want to be able to go for a walk and then Voxer my clients. And for me that feels freeing. And so that is a really simple offer type that you can build in.

I think once you experience it, you're like, Oh, this is amazing. I've seen a lot of like one-on-one coaches suddenly start doing Voxer, and then they're like, oh my god this is a revelation. I love this. And so they stopped selling so much one-on-one and they start selling more boxes of packages because it suits them better. So that's it guys. Five scalable offer types that can make you money for years to come. You've got to feel into which one suits you best. They all have pros and cons.

They all are there for a certain reason and not all of them will work with all niches, but many of them do for many niches. So I hope this was informative and helpful, and I look forward to chatting to you again next week. 


Thanks so much for listening to today's episode. I am beyond excited to announce that the doors to my live Educators Income Booster Bootcamp are officially open.

If you are looking to escape the time for money teaching treadmill as a teacher or teaching business owner and create a course or group program that can scale your income and impact for years to come then this is the Bootcamp for you. You can grab your ticket for just 37 euros on my website at digiteach.biz.

Doors close soon and I won't be running this live for a couple of months. So don't wait. I appreciate you so much and I can't wait to connect with you in the next episode. In the meantime, go create a business and life you love.

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The Empowered Edupreneur is your weekly dose of business and mindset development geared towards educators in online business. 

Michelle's mission is simple: To help educators unlock their infinite potential within, take back their power, and make their own money online. In this podcast, you can expect weekly inspiration, relatable stories, and business advice to help you grow your online business with more ease and joy (and fewer teaching hours). 

Be sure to hit subscribe so you don't miss an episode! 

Tags: Scalable offers, How to scale your business, Scale your business, Scale your online business, Offers that can scale.

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