Episode 45:

Your launch debrief essentials

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Hello, amazing one! Welcome back to the Empowered Edupreneur Podcast.

In this episode today, I am going on a launch debrief deep dive where I share with you the key metrics that matter during a launch!

A business friend of mine coined the phrase ‘’The data takes the emotion out of the promotion’’ which is exactly why it is so important. If you aren’t looking at actual data, your brain just makes up irrational ‘stories’ that aren’t rooted in any evidence. This means you take things personally when really, it’s a business and you need to look at the evidence to see what is actually going on.

We just had a live launch of DBA now and we are deep into our launch debrief as we try to look at how successful the whole campaign was for our business. And I really wanted to help you do this too in this episode!

This is an episode to really listen to and pay attention to, if you can grab a pen and paper and make notes, then even better! I go a little maths crazy on you so just prepare 😉.

In this episode, I will share:

  • The key metrics that matter in your launch and how to calculate them.
  • How your post-launch debrief helps you prepare for your next successful launch and allows you to reverse engineer what you need to hit your next launch goals.

If you are serious about growing your business, then you have to get serious about tracking the data. The magic is in the data!

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This is for the freelance / teaching business owners who are burning out from trading their time for money and are looking to create a digital course but have no clue where to start. I am giving you the 6 steps to turning your 1 x 1 students into a scalable course that will free you from the teaching treadmill.

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Welcome to the Empowered Edupreneur podcast. My name is Michelle Smit, and I am an ex-teacher turned online business coach for Edupreneurs. The owner of Digiteach and a six-figure entrepreneur. I am in love with empowering educators, just like you to create freedom filled online businesses and lives they love.

If you are looking to uplevel your skills, your finances, your mindset, and change the trajectory of your life as an educator in business, then you are in the right place. Think of this podcast as your weekly dose of business and mindset development to help unlock the infinite potential within you to play bigger with your life and go after your dreams.

We are going to have so much fun together. So thank you so much for pushing play today. Now let's dive in.

Hello. Hello, beautiful people. I hope you're having an amazing day today. So we just came out of our live launch of the Digiteachers Biz Academy. So I am basking in that post launch afterglow now. That's what I'm calling it. It's definitely a thing where you've had this big launch, this big release of energy and then.

You can just rest and it's just magical when you're in that space of rest. So I have been chilling pretty hard for the last week and a half. I have just been to such an awesome music festival with friends where I watched some of my favourite DJs, bucket list stuff. And I have been preparing my house or me and Mike have been preparing our house for picking up our two ragdoll kittens.

So I don't know if you remember this, but We have been on this waiting list for like a year for these cats, and yes guys, it is happening this weekend. Me and Mike are so ridiculously excited right now, I cannot even begin to explain. It's been like a full gestation period of nine months, it feels like that.

We were on the wait list in December, it is now August. I've never been more ready for these babies. And this is my dream guys. I've always had a dream of getting my two ragdoll kitties. Or it's become a very big dream of mine. And yeah, I'm just so pumped. We are going to pick them up this Saturday at 9:30 AM.

So that's happening. I'm high on life from that. And yes, I did create a whole Instagram profile for them. Yes, I am that extra. And yes, I have zero shame about it because I am a little bit of a crazy cat lady. Like, I'm owning it. I'm just owning it. And honestly, if I did not create an Instagram for them, I would be spamming my business Instagram with all of the cat stuff and it would not work.

It would be a very bad business move because then I would get all these cat followers and that would just not work for business. So if you are a lover of furry friends, especially kitties, and you want to watch the adventures of, yes, their names are Nola and Baloo. So those are their names. Nola is this chunky, big boned girl.

She's like half a kilogram heavier than Baloo, except she's younger than Baloo. So that's weird. And then Baloo is this small blue. Coloured tabby ragdoll boy. He is a little bit more timid but just absolutely gorgeous. So if you are into that and you want some serotonin, like feel free to follow Nola and Baloo on Instagram.

I'll share it every now and then on my Instagram. So it is @Nola_and_Baloo. That's the handle. So yeah, if you want to watch the journey of us. Picking them up and all the shenanigans with kittens. Please follow there. But now let's come back to the main goal of this podcast, because I'm not talking about cats the whole time. So, we just had a really positive launch a really great launch in many ways. Many things made me very proud of myself. We did many things well. 

We improved in many ways, but we also did have some negatives where things did drop, but that is okay. And it's quite normal. Every launch will be one of a kind in itself. They are often similar, but often very different. Also energetically, they're quite different. And there are so many variables that can contribute to a launch and the results, so many variables but yeah, today I am just diving into basically your post launch essentials.

So I'm going to be diving into the metrics that matter. So it's going to be like the sexy data. And I know you may think this is boring and not sexy at all. And you're like, Oh, Michelle, why are you doing this to me for this podcast episode? But you absolutely need to. You need to do the post launch debrief, the magic is in the debrief, okay. 

And there are some really important metrics that you really want to know. Within each launch for you to actually be able to see what the hell is going on, right. Now a business friend of mine coined this term. So it's definitely his term now mine, but he always says that the data takes the emotion out of the promotion.

And that is exactly why it is so essential to get up close and personal with the data. Because your brain will make up a gazillion and one stories of why your launch is crap, why your niche is crap, why your product is crap, why you are a total failure and people don't like you and people don't want to buy stuff from you.

And your niche has no money, your audience has no money and everyone is broke and all of these crazy, crazy stories that are rooted in nothing but emotion. And it's just taking it so personally, right. And this is our brain. Thank you for our brains being so supportive, right.

When you really need them, but this is what happens in the launch. People really get derailed and they start freaking out because they're like, everything is going wrong. And I'm like, okay, let's just look at the metrics even whilst you're in the launch, looking at the data is very, very important. It really informs you on any pivots you need to make within the launch.

But definitely once that launch is done, instead of feeling it was a fail, which many people are like, oh my gosh, it was a fail. You just got to look at the metrics and after you do your post launch debrief, actually look at the data, and this happens all the time with me and my clients, all the time. We're actually like, damn, you actually had a good launch.

You hit all the marks, basically. You maybe even surpassed many of the goals within the launch standards, right? And then we realize, oh my gosh, we're not failures. And actually we know what to measure ourselves against and what is sort of the goal that we want to be hitting and where we can improve and where things did do really well and where things didn't do really well.

And then basically from that information, you are now fully informed in a non emotional way, but a very data centred way. What do I need to double down on? What do I need to change? What worked? What didn't? And let me go into this next launch with 10 million times more bits of information and foresight to make sure that this launch is going to be better.

And that's what informs the next launch. And that's why every time you launch, you tend to get better generally. So In this episode, I am going to be jamming with you on the key metrics that matter that you should pay attention to within the launch. But typically I'm looking at this as a post launch debrief.

A lot of these metrics you can literally look at whilst you're launching and you want to pulse on all of them. Let's be honest. A pulse on all of them to see what's happening, see where you need to be pivoting within the launch. But really this is like at the end of your launch, you need to look at all of these metrics.

And you need to calculate the things and you want to find out your numbers. It's very, very sexy. Yes, I'm being sarcastic. So that's the first thing I'm talking about. And the second thing I'm going to be talking about is how this post launch debrief. Actually prepares your next launch and not only that, it prepares it to be more successful and more refined and just better overall.

So before we dive in, I want to make a shout out to all my new amazing dBA Rockstar students. I'm in the first two weeks of running the Digiteachers Biz Academy and the energy is really amazing in this cohort. I am really feeling the drive and the commitment with this group. Everyone is very much action orientated.

Everyone is applying themselves like crazy. In DBA, I have these sort of action steps and little tasks that I ask them to do that help them build up skills, overcome fear. Like there's all a reason behind why I'm asking you to do these things and they are taking some big action.

 Everyone's posting videos, everyone's making their commitment statements. The energy is very good and I really love to see that. I love to see the hunger in my students. And I often think at this moment in this launch and the season we're in where I'm just looking at this new group of almost like not spring chickens, but just this really epic energy of, I'm going to do this and just knowing that a year from now, these people are going to be so radically different.

And such expanded versions of themselves and this journey is going to take them so many places and I genuinely just feel so much in my heart. I feel so much joy and excitement for them because I know that there is just so much magic to come and they can't see it yet. What is the saying?

Hindsight is 20/20, I think that's maybe the saying. But basically, in retrospect, you can see the journey. And because I'm looking back, I can see the profound expansion of these people that is going to come. They can't see it yet. But I see it because I've seen it with so many of my DBA students, like how radically their lives have changed and how radically they have expanded as human beings.

You can not even compare it, right? Just right now three of my DBA students and coaching clients launched for the first time and they all made sales and as human beings, they are so not different. But they're just more expanded into themselves, their confidence, their skill set, their marketing, their sales knowledge, their belief in themselves, their mindset, all of that has evolved and expanded and they have become these new versions of themselves that have this more unlocked potential for them to actually change their lives. They're really making it happen in their lives. 

And this is only the beginning. The first launch is just the beginning of the journey. And it already feels like such profound growth. So just imagine what's going to happen in the future for them, right? Only good things can come from this experience. And yes, it may be one of the hardest things you maybe do, but I cannot tell you the growth on the other side of this and just the empowerment on the other side of this. 

And so, just wanted to shout out to them if they're listening, I'm so excited for you. Okay. So the other thing, just before I dive into this episode please just sit down. This is the kind of podcast episode where it's not ideal if you're cleaning or cooking or driving where you're like, not very much listening.

You're sort of in autopilot. The best way to listen to this particular episode is to really just sit and listen to it and pay attention. And if you can have a piece of paper and a pen with you writing some stuff down, that's going to be even better. If you have just launched, I really recommend getting a pen and paper.

And calculating these numbers together with me as we go through it. And you can always pause the episode and re listen if you need to. Because what I'm giving you today is actually very, very quality information. This is the kind of stuff that should be in a paid product, and it is. It's inside of my Growth Accelerator, it is in my Digiteachers Biz Academy.

But I go much, much deeper in the Growth Accelerator. Because it's more advanced. I'm taking you down the data journey, but if you get it and you really make sense of this stuff, it's very important for your business, especially when you're trying to grow.

Alrighty. Let's dive in the key metrics that matter that you should pay attention to in your post launch debrief. 

Okay. So the first one I'm going to talk about is your opt-in page conversion. So your opt-in page is the page where you are sort of promoting either your typically in a launch, it is your free event of some sort.

So that is your opt-in page and you are basically sending people to that page in the hopes that they sign up for your event. Now the goal of this page is you want to be hitting a 30% Opt-in page conversion or up. So the higher this percentage, the better but you always want to aim for 30% minimum. Now, this is essentially the percentage of people who land on your opt-in page that actually opt-in.

So you want to imagine that this opt-in page is the top of your funnel. And the better this page, the higher the conversion of this page, the more people that will opt-in and come into your world and come into your launch event. And essentially it helps with reducing the costs of marketing if you are running ads.

So when you are actively list building for launch. You really want to look at this percentage whilst you're in the launch. You want to look at your opt-in page conversion and your goal is always to increase it. And you can increase it by running split tests and changing headlines to see which one performs best.

When running a split test, the rule of thumb is only to change one variable at a time to see which one's actually making a difference. Otherwise you can't see what's working and what's not, but that is the goal. 30% opt-in page conversion, and if it's higher, then you are winning. Okay? And if it's lower, then you want to do what you can to maybe change the headline, change the messaging to increase that percentage.

That's the first one. That's a very important one. Then you've got cost per lead. Now, this is if you are running ads, okay? This is how much it costs for you to acquire an email list lead. Who's someone who opts in. How much is it costing you to get someone to opt-into your launch event? Now the goal here is obviously you want a low cost per lead.

You want it to cost less for you to acquire a lead. But at the same time, you really want to maintain quality. For example, if you're running ads to third world countries, you may realize you get a ton of really cheap leads at like 50 cents and you think this is great. But then when you actually launch your program, very few buy and this is because they're maybe not your ideal student avatar.

And maybe the cost of the program is just too high for the people. So you really want to make sure that your cost per lead is low, but you want to ensure that your leads are still quality simultaneously. Because you really want to make sure you're getting leads who are within your ideal student avatar range.

You don't just want to build your list with people who are on your list. It's really important to maintain that quality. So cost per lead is a metric that depends on your niche, your audience, the countries you're targeting, the industry that you're in. But the overall goal is to make sure it's low. So a low cost per lead, one that would be really great is like $1 or €1. 

For many niches this is possible and it can be done for many other niches, it can't be. For example, the online business and marketing niche, the one that I'm in. $1 lead is quite unrealistic. You are looking at more $3 a lead or $4 a lead. So, it's a very competitive market, right? And because of the competition and all the people advertising the ad costs increase because of supply and demand.

So this is why it's really good to be in a more niche niche. So like a sub niche, like a really, really small niche because there is typically less competition. There's less people advertising and so the cost per lead tends to drop. Which is ideal. I've seen many of my DBA students in very specific sub niches who have insanely cheap cost per leads, like 50 cent leads, and then the people buy, which is amazing.

So, the way you want to calculate this is you want to take the amount of the ad spend that you spend on your launch and then you want to divide it by the number of leads you got and you will find your average cost per lead and it's always good to look at the averages. And yes you can do this whilst you're in the launch you can say okay I've spent this amount this is how many leads I've got this is my cost per lead and that can inform you on okay am I too high am I too low? What do I need to change? 

Now, if your core product is high in price, so your actual program that you're selling on the back is high in price, then that means you can actually spend more on your advertising. But if your core product is only like a few hundred dollars and it's not very high in price. Then it means you can't actually spend as much on leads because you're going to need to run the numbers and see if this is actually bringing in a profit right at the end of it.

And this is why it's very good to have these numbers. So you can say, is this going to be profitable? All right. 

Then you've got your email list size, and this is an important one. If you're running a free launch event, so not a paid launch, then your email list size is key. Your goal is to grow that list because your goal essentially is to sell 1% of your core offer, meaning 1% of that list will buy your program. 

So typically the bigger the list, the bigger the launch results. Now this isn't always the case. Sometimes it isn't as black and white and that. There's a lot of variables that can contribute. But overall the essence of it is that the more eyeballs that you have on your offer, the better.

So you always want to be opting in for growing your email list and really making sure that throughout the whole year, not just before launches. But consistently that you are actively growing your email list because more leads equals more eyeballs, which tends to equal more sales. So a big focus of your launch, especially that first phase of your launch, and it's really critical is that you are list building and people don't really realize how critical this phase is because sometimes they only spend a week list building for their launch, and they only have 30 people on their list or 50 people on their list and they don't have any sales. And then they think the launch was a complete fail that they didn't have any sales, but actually their email list was maybe just a bit too small.

There weren't enough eyes on your offer. For example, if you build your email list to a hundred people for your launch. You want 1% sales conversion goal of that. Say you do have a hundred people for the launch and you do have a 1% sales conversion. That means you would just have one sale. Many people would think, oh my gosh, I just had one sale, but I'm like, cool, but you hit the 1%. You actually hit the goal. 

I want you to look at what happens when you actually grow your list bigger and you apply the same numbers. Say you grow your list to a thousand people for the launch. Then you have one percent sales conversion on those thousand. That means you make ten sales. So, instead of one sale, you now have ten sales.

Do you see how different that is when you just grow your email list? The email list size does play an important role in launches. Obviously it isn't as black and white always, but as always more leads equals new eyeballs on your offer, which tends to equal more sales. So rule of thumb, prioritize list building throughout the year and before launches and make sure new eyeballs are seeing your offer.

And then make sure to just be focusing on improving that sales conversion once people are in. Okay. So that's the email list. Then you've got ad spend. Now this is obviously for people who spend money on ads. The key metric is cost per lead with your ad spend, as I've just discussed. 

But you want to know post launch. What was my total ad spend? Because basically you want to take that total ad spend and you want to be able to see, okay. What was the return on ad spend? So this ad spend is easy to calculate. All you need to know is how much did I spend for ads. In the whole launch. Now that includes your list building phase, any retargeting you do, anything that you run on ads for that launch.

So you just want to know what is the total ad spend that I spent on this marketing campaign. Then we've got sales conversion. Very important, okay. This is a percentage number. And it tells you what percentage of people on your email list actually bought your core offer. This is one of the most important metrics to know and improve over time.

The higher the launch sales conversion the better, because it means more people bought your program. This is just one of those metrics that you are always trying to increase and squeeze the juice out of. So the standard goal, as I mentioned earlier, the standard goal in a launch is 1%.

The 1% conversion rule is what you want to always hit in a launch, in a free launch, particularly a free launch. I'm not talking about paid launches now, but in a free launch. And basically what this means is that your product is validated in the market, which means it can keep selling. It shows there's demand in the market for it.

This is excellent, especially for a first launch. You really want to hit that 1% to really validate the offer. If you don't hit 1%, then it doesn't mean necessarily mean that the product can't sell or that there is no demand. It just means that you need to tweak either your offer or your messaging because there was a disconnect.

After a few launches with refinements and things like that. And you still aren't hitting that 1%, then there is something you need to look at if there is demand for the products potentially. But normally you would hit the 1% if there is, right? So how do you calculate your sales conversion? Basically you take the total number of sales and you divide it by your email list size and then you multiply it by a hundred to get the percentage. 

So for example, if you had 12 sales in your launch and you had 800 people on your email list, then you would calculate your sales conversion by saying 12 divided by 800. Times by a hundred and then you have 1. 5%. So there you go. This is hitting the 1% sales conversion and it's actually surpassing it.

It's 1. 5%. So if you had a launch like that, then that was really good. Your sales conversion was good. Now there are a few leavers that you can pull to really skyrocket your launch and the profitability of your launches and sales conversion is one of those leavers. So always be thinking, how can I squeeze the juice and even incrementally increase that conversion. 

Small tweaks, tiny refinements go a huge way, okay. You may find that just by simply tweaking your fast action bonus or your office slightly or the messaging slightly, you increase your sales conversion. And that is why each launch you learn valuable information. You double down on what works and you change what doesn't.

And over time you really start getting this well oiled machine that can really make some magic. Now the power of a 0. 5% increase in this metric is really big. So tiny tweaks go a long way. All right, then we've got sales page conversion. So we just spoke about sales conversion for the launch, the overall.

Now this is sales page conversion. This is the conversion of your actual sales page. So the number of people who have landed on that sales page and the number of people who have actually bought the product. You want to know what that percentage is. So this is an important one because it can inform you if your sales page is actually doing its job of selling your offer.

So the goal is 1% or higher, you want to have 1% of the people landing on that page actually buying at least or up. And you calculate it by looking at the number of sales divided by the number of unique landing page visits on that sales page times a hundred, okay. So you take the number of total sales divided by the number of unique page visits.

Times by a hundred and then you have your sales page conversion and the messaging, the offer, the copy, the headlines, the structure of your sales, sales page can all contribute to the sales page conversion. Plus your actual launch, your whole launch event. If you've executed a very good launch.

Your sales page doesn't even need to do that much because you've basically done what you've needed to do. The sales page is just there. So ideally you want to execute a full on good launch, strong runway, strong event, and then the sales page doesn't even need to do as much, right? It's just there to sell the product.

Okay, so that's that. Then we've got total number of sales. Now this is easy. You want to know how, what is the total number of sales you've made in the launch. So is it 5 sales, 10 sales, 15 sales, 30 sales, 100 sales. Super easy. You don't have to calculate anything. You just need to know how many people bought this program in this launch.

Then you want to know what your total sales revenue is. Now this is the total revenue made in the launch. This should include your projected revenue for your payment plans, if you do have payment plans. So you might have to do a little bit of math on this just to calculate your payment plans and build it all in.

But you want to know how much money or how much revenue did you make in the launch. Okay, so that's total sales revenue, including payment plans. Then you want to look at your profit after marketing, and this is basically how much profit you have after you spend money on ads, if you run ads. So it's your total revenue minus your total ad spend.

So yes, you have other business expenses that you can pull into this, but I want you to look at also just profit after ads because then you get an idea of if your ad spend, if you're getting a return on your ad spend. So let's say you spent a thousand dollars in ads and your total revenue for the launch was $3,000.

You would take $3,000 minus a thousand, and that equals $2,000 of profit after ad spend. This is actually good. It means your launch hits an overall three times return on ad spend, which is the goal in general when launching and running ads. If I know that I can 3x my ad spend, then I know I can spend more on ads knowing I'm going to hopefully 3x that result.

Now there does come a point where as you scale with ads, so do your ads increase. Basically, the more money you spend with ads, the higher your ad costs become. It's a very strange thing that happens. So scaling is, there's a balance and art to actually scaling with ads. So it is tricky and has a different set of challenges.

But that only starts to happen when you're really spending more than $10,000 per ad spend per launch kind of thing, which is what we tend to do. So I won't go too deep into that, but I just want you to know, okay, what is your profit after ads? Have you seen profits and the goal is always to make sure that there is profits.

Obviously, the first launch is not probably going to be the most profitable. You might not make a profit. You might make a tiny profit after ads because you're still learning and you're also still recuperating the cost of learning, building skills, the mentorship, the coaching, all of that. You have to recoup that and you might not recoup that in the first launch.

It's actually quite unlikely for you to recoup that in the first launch. But as you rinse and repeat your launch, you start to become more profitable and it starts to become more exponential. So for me, the first launch it was basically a loss, a hundred percent loss. And then I started sort of making tiny bit of profit in launch two and then launch three got better and then launch four, we spent $10,000 on ads and then made $40,000.

And that's when the profit really started to happen. And that's where it started really becoming quite life changing. But that was just through rinsing and repeating and improving. And so that's why I'm always like, keep improving and don't just launch once and then stop, launch again, get better.

And as you get better, the numbers will get better and you'll start seeing the, you'll start seeing things really pay off. 

Okay, the next one is return on ad spend. Otherwise known knows ROAS. This is important if you run ads. The goal, as mentioned above, is that you really want to hit three times return on ad spend, meaning you multiply your ad spend by three in a launch.

To calculate this, you would take your total revenue, including your projected payment plans, and you would divide it by your total ad spend, and then you have your ROAS. So let's say you put in 10,000 dollars into ads and you want to make a total revenue of $30,000. That means you take $30,000 so your total revenue. And you divide it by $10,000 on ad spend, because that's how much you spent on ads.

Then you would get three. And this is what you want. You want to hit three or up. If you knew you could spend $10,000 on ads, and then in four weeks time make $30,000 wouldn't you do it? This is basically the fastest investment you can probably ever make where you can three X your investment in one month.

Yes, it is riskier. It's a riskier investment than just investing in the stock market and things like that. Obviously it's a bit riskier, but you're not going to ever see such a big return so quickly. Then what a launch can do. So with the launch, you just really see fast returns and I've launched enough times to now manage my risk and I can see the numbers and I can understand the numbers so I can know how to manage that risk so that I'm not putting myself in a bad situation normally. 

Sometimes it looks a bit hairy, but normally it's fine. So this is why it's important to know your numbers, because when you know your numbers, you know you can actually invest in ads and you know, okay, this is cool. We're hitting the numbers. There's going to be a return on ad spend. And if you aren't hitting the numbers, then you just need to pivot within the launch to do things to improve the numbers. So that's why data is important. 

Okay. Then we've got cost per acquisition. Very important one, CPA is basically a marketing metric that measures the average cost of acquiring a new customer or lead. Within your launch or whatever marketing campaign. So it's really important for businesses to know their CPA.

And the way you calculate your CPA during a launch is you want to divide the total cost of your marketing campaign. So your ad spend and all of that. I typically do mostly ad spend, but if you want to include, like, say you had a copywriter or a designer or other kind of contractors helping you in the launch. You can build that in. 

So you divide the total cost of the launch by the number of acquired customers or leads. So for example, if your marketing campaign of your launch, say you ran $10,000 of ads, but then in that launch you acquired 500 new customers. Then that means you would take 10,000 divided by 500.

And that equals $20 per customer. That means your CPA is $20. And the lower the CPA, the better. So you always want to make sure your CPA is as low as possible, because you want to spend less to acquire the customer, right? And then once you know your CPA, you can then go and look at your average earnings per customer to see what is the profitability overall for the entire campaign.

So EPC, earnings per customer. This is a metric that measures the average revenue of earnings generated from each customer during your launch. The average earnings generated. So it gives insights into the actual financial performance of your launch to understand like. What is your earnings per customer?

How much worth are these customers in your business on a earnings potential, right? So the way you calculate this is basically total revenue. So the total amount of money you've made in the launch divided by the number of customers that you have acquired in the launch. So let's say you had a $30,000 launch and you had 15 sales in that launch.

Okay. Then you would take $30,000, which is your total revenue. And you would divide it by 15, which is the number of customers. So 30, 000 divided by 15 equals 2, 000. Which is your earnings per customer. So each customer is worth $2,000. Now this number is increased if you have upsells and people buy into other things later in the launch. You really want your earnings per customer to be a high number because this shows the more profitability there is basically. 

So ideally your EPA should be three times your CPA, which would kind of show that you are hitting that three times return on investment for the launch. That's why CPA and earnings per customer are two sort of numbers you always want to see within launches and within your business. To see that, is their profitability, right? 

Okay, so there we go on all of the numbers. I hope I didn't scare you away, but basically you can just re listen to this and just write it down and you'll start to get the hang of it after a while. The next thing I want to chat about is how the post launch debrief actually prepares you for your next launch.

If you know your numbers, you know how to approach your next launch. You now have data. You can see what you want to improve, what worked, what didn't, what to refine just by looking at the numbers. Now I won't go all into detail because that's going to confuse you. And I really dive deep into this stuff in my Growth Accelerator program, because it can be quite advanced. Seeing your numbers and then knowing what you actually need to improve to improve the number and what levers to pull to improve the number.

Because there's always certain things to do to improve certain numbers, right? But the key is you want to know your data so that you can prepare, prepare for your next launch. Okay. For example, let's say you've just had a launch and now you've done your launch debrief and now you know, okay, my cost per lead was $1. Costing me $1 to get in person on my list.

And I know that I had a sales conversion of 1% meaning 1% of my list bought my, bought my product. And I know that for the next launch, I really want to hit 20 sales. I can now reverse engineer how many leads I need and how much I need to spend on ads in order to get myself to that goal. So if you need 20 sales at a 1% sales conversion, that means you need an email list of 2000 people, okay. 

1% of 2000 is 20. If it costs you a dollar per lead, And you need a list of 2, 000 people, then that means you need to spend 2, 000 in ads to get that list on estimation. If you know your product is 497 and your price isn't changing from the previous launch, then you take 20 sales times 497 and that equals 9, 000 in total revenue.

So that means if you make 20 sales at 497, you'll make $9,000 in revenue on estimation. And so what this shows is that you spend $2,000 on ads. But then you'll make back $9,000 in sales, assuming that you hit the exact same numbers.

If you improve, you might actually do better. But if you were to hit the exact same numbers. Then $2,000 spent on ads and you make $9,000 in sales means you hit a four times return on investment, which is a great launch campaign. Now, of course, it doesn't always mimic your projected forecast because there are variables that play a role in your launch numbers, but this is really how you can sort of guesstimate and plan your future launches data wise. 

You're like, okay, cool. I can reverse engineer my launch goals. If I want x amount of sales and x amount of revenue. How much do I need to spend on this campaign? What levers can I sort of improve on as well? And normally when you do launch over and over with the same offer, it does improve because you learn more and you get better and you get more confident.

And this is why rinsing and repeating the same launch with the same offer with the same strategy is golden because. You keep building upon the data and it just gets better, whereas every time you create a new offer or you launch with a new type of strategy, you kind of have to start from zero again on the data train, because it's a completely new thing and you have to just start from scratch data wise.

So you kind of start from scratch, which, you know, if you keep having to start from scratch, it can be very exhausting.

So guys, this was an episode and a half. I don't know if I maybe melted your brain slightly. I know it was a big one, but it's very, very valuable. It's very important that you are looking at your numbers, getting intimate with your numbers, being friends with your data, because otherwise you're not going to know what's going on without them.

And you're going to either sabotage your launch because you're in your head. And making false stories, or you're just not going to improve your launches because you're not looking at the numbers. So send me a message of this launch debrief deep dive was valuable to you. And if you've have launched, literally come back to this episode and do your launch debrief. Don't forget to do it. It's important. 

Next week, I'm probably going to share a bit more on the behind the scenes of our DBA launch now, once we've actually done our debrief. We haven't fully done it. So keep your eyes peeled for that episode. I think it will be very interesting for people. Otherwise, I hope you have an amazing day and I will chat to you again next week.


Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode. If you love what you heard today, then be sure to share it with me by leaving a five star review so I can continue delivering these goodies. If you aren't already following me on social media, then come tune into some daily inspiration on Instagram by following @_digiteach_ or visiting my website at digiteach.biz.

I appreciate you so much, and I can't wait to connect with you in the next episode in the meantime, go create a business and life you love.

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The Empowered Edupreneur is your weekly dose of business and mindset development geared towards educators in online business. 

Michelle's mission is simple: To help educators unlock their infinite potential within, take back their power, and make their own money online. In this podcast, you can expect weekly inspiration, relatable stories, and business advice to help you grow your online business with more ease and joy (and fewer teaching hours). 

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Tags: Launch debrief, Post-launch debrief, How to do a launch debrief, What launch data to look at, How to analyse your launches

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