Episode 41:

The simple way to a 6-figure online business

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Hello, amazing one! Welcome back to the Empowered Edupreneur Podcast.

In this episode today, I am revealing something so simple but so effective for any online business owner who wants to hit 6-figures a year in their business and expand their impact like crazy!

When people think ‘more money’ they immediately think they need to create ‘more offers’ and yes sometimes that can be true (depending on where you are at in your season of business) but for those of you who are in the starting phase, more offers is not necessarily the route you want to take to 6-figures.

My 6-figure roadmap is so simple it will shock you BUT it’s true, it works and it’s how I have done it for years.

In this episode, I will share:

  • My hilariously weird but accurate analogy of what your offers are in your business and how to view them.
  • Why people struggle to follow this simple process and how adding complexity to your business makes hitting 6-figures a lot harder.
  • One of the most important things you need to grow a profitable online business (no matter the amount you desire) is to build a 6-figure offer. Something that is strong, desirable, and that people want to buy. This is what I will help you do in my Educators Income Booster Bootcamp!

Doors are officially open for the Educators Income Booster Bootcamp for just €37.

I am going to help you map out your own HOT OFFER from start to finish on paper so that you have the clarity and confidence to go sell the damn thing and make amazing moolah!

This really is an incredible experience and I cannot wait to connect and serve you inside!

Grab your ticket HERE. Doors will close on the 27th of July at midnight CET. And the pre-party kicks off on 28th July!

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Welcome to the empowered Edupreneur podcast. My name is Michelle Smit, and I am an ex-teacher turned online business coach for edupreneurs. The owner of Digiteach and a six-figure entrepreneur. I am in love with empowering educators, just like you to create freedom filled online businesses and lives they love.

If you are looking to uplevel your skills, your finances, your mindset, and change the trajectory of your life as an educator and business, then you are in the right place. Think of this podcast as your weekly dose of business and mindset development to help unlock the infinite potential within you to play bigger with your life and go after your dreams.

We are going to have so much fun together. So thank you so much for pushing play today. Now let's dive in.

Hello. Hello. Hello. Welcome back to my podcast. I hope you are having a beautiful day, a beautiful week. I am actually going to be flying to Greece tomorrow, which has been on my bucket list for traveling for years now. I don't know why I haven't gone there yet. It's ridiculous. Because I've been basically to most places in the world.

I feel like at this point because I worked on cruise ships and I travelled the world for a while. But I'm stoked. I'm excited. I think this episode is going to air once I'm back. So I'm hoping by that time I have a golden-brown tan, because honestly I'm an Island kind of person.

I belong on an Island. I belong by a blue ocean with hammocks and coconuts in my hand. That is where my like spirit thrives. But today I have decided to create this episode based on something that I've been thinking about a lot lately. And it's how I've been able to make six figures every year since 2020 in my business, in my way.

And I've noticed with many people they think that in order to make six figures or whatever it is, a decent amount of money in their business, that they need to have many offers. They need to sell many different things. And I see people launching new offers left, right, and centre every month. Every two seconds it's a new offer, really. 

And honestly, it works for some people. I definitely think it works for some people, depending on your personality type, depending on your energy. Some people really have got high energy. I'm not one of those people and some people can just launch a new offer and have that creativity to be able to launch a new offer basically every month of the year and rack in seven figures.

Mostly the people that I'm seeing launching lots and lots of offers are the bigger businesses like the seven figure ones and they have a whole team. So if they come up with the offer, they're typically just the creator of that offer and then the rest of the team creates everything else like the funnels and the sales pages and all the marketing and all of that stuff.

But I also see people who are just starting out in their online business and I see them chopping and changing with new offers and. Yeah, it's just not for me, right. And to be honest, sometimes I felt a bit of shame around the fact that I'm not constantly bringing out new offers into the world.

And I'm like, oh, look at these people. They've got such creativity. They keep bringing out these new offers into the world. That's really cool. And then I feel a bit bad that I'm not, I don't have the energy for it, or it just doesn't feel right to me to do it. But then I remind myself.

This is my business. And this is your business. And I have to follow my intuitive pulses and my energy and my personality and how my alignment and how business feels good to me. I have to listen to that and I have to listen to it above every single thing else. That is my anchor is my intuition, my energy, what feels right to me.

And It's different for everyone. Some people, it feels right to be creating lots of offers and stuff, and it works for them. But sometimes people think that in order to make more money, you need to have more offers. But I just don't agree with that. I just don't think that is true. And my lived experience in business has been the opposite of that.

Personally I've never sold many offers. I've only ever really sold one signature program every year. Yes, those programs changed because I had another niche at the beginning of my business and then I changed, but I've only really honed in on one signature program and I sell it over and over again.

That's just the way that I've done it, okay. So, in this episode I want to talk about my simple way to six figures. And of course, this is not the only way there's a million ways to do it. You have to find what works for you. But for me, this is the simplest way. Honestly, to me, it's the simplest, most no brainer way.

If you were to choose the lazy way, this would be the lazy way. Not in a bad way. It's a very intentional, very solid, very strategic. But it's very much channelling your energy into one thing and making it good as opposed to spreading your energy amongst many things and doing a sort of okay job.

So it is very strategic and because it's so strategic and intentional, it's literally the simplest and easy way. Which why wouldn't we want that? Why wouldn't we want the simplest way to making six figures? I feel like that's just my vibe. So if you're interested in that, then listen to this episode.

In this episode, I'm going to share my hilariously weird, but accurate analogy of what your offers are in your business and how to view them. This is super weird, but just go with me on it. I'm going to share my simple but effective process to hitting six figures in business and why people struggle to follow the simple process and how adding complexity to your business actually makes hitting six figures a lot harder.

The other thing is one of the most important things that you need to grow a profitable business, no matter what the money is that you desire. Is that you need a hot, strong offer. That's the thing that's going to make you money. That's the asset. That's the thing that needs to be desirable, strong, and people need to buy it.

If people don't buy it, then there's no revenue, okay. So this offer is an integral piece of the puzzle. It's basically one of the most important pieces of the puzzle. And there's a way to create hot offers and it needs to be strategic and intentional. And this is what I'm going to help you do in my live Educators Income Booster Bootcamp, which by the way is open and you can buy a ticket to it.

 I'm closing the enrollment on the 27th of July I think at midnight. So this is the time, okay. It's live, you're going to be with me live. We're going to be together for 10 days. I'm going to be helping you map out your own offer, your own asset, and I'm going to help you do it from a business point of view to help you create something that is desirable.

That's positioned to sell that people actually want to buy. And then by the end of this Bootcamp, you're going to have this whole offer mapped out on paper. And then you can go and action on it and you can use it to bring in money for years to come. And not only that, you're going to build the skill to create a hot offer, which you can apply to everything in your business and in whatever you want to sell online ever.

So get involved. I hope to see you there. You can click the link below this episode. If you can't find the link, you can always message me on Instagram or email me and I will send you the link to join. But let's dive back into this episode. Okay. I'm going to go into my first hilariously weird, but accurate analogy of what your offers are in your business and how to view them.

I want you to think of an offer in your business. Like having a newborn baby. It is a living, breathing entity. Each offer you create and hold space for in your business has its own consciousness and it needs love, attention, patience, commitment, time investment, money investment in order to really thrive.

And just like you wouldn't be willy nilly having babies every two seconds, you wouldn't be willy nilly creating new offers every two seconds. I feel weird saying that out loud, just stay with me, okay? I know it's a bit of a strange one, but stay with me. Now, when you have a baby, you need to give it energy, love, patience, support, time, everything to help it grow and become this well functioning human that's just thriving in life.

I want you to think about that the same with your offers. You need to give your offers love, attention, patience, energy, commitment. All of that, to help it thrive. Now, every offer that I have birthed into this world has come from a very intentional, well thought out space. Because I literally feel when I create an offer, I am birthing a new baby into the world. 

I always refer to my offers as these babies that are being born into the world and it's because they start as little seeds in my brain and they grow inside of me and I wait for the moment where it feels I can action on it. I think it took me seven, eight months to build Digiteachers Biz Academy. 

It just took me a while to build it. And, and then I birthed it into the world. And then once I've birthed it into the world, I then have to spend energy and time on marketing it and selling it and all of that.

And it's a whole thing, right? So I always ask myself, do I have the energetic capacity for this offer? Am I committed to at least a decent amount of time with this offer to build it up to being the best it can be with the most momentum. I often like to think of the big things I do in my business.

For example, creating a signature program or a really strong funnel. I do it with the intention of it living for years. So I build it out once and it works for me for years. That is my intention behind everything that I do in my business. I think of it from that perspective. So when I decide to do something, I always have this thing of, this is a long-term game. 

This isn't a one-month game. This isn't a three-month game. This isn't even a year game. I think long-term and I'm like, do I have the energetic capacity to really birth this baby out into the world? And am I going to go all in on this? So just like having a child, I'm not going to be like, okay, cool.

Let me have this child and then no, I'm kind of getting bored. I'm going to just leave this kid alone. And then I'm just going to go have another child. That sounds really twisted when you put it into words. And it's an extreme analogy. I don't mean that your offer is as permanent and as lifelong as an actual baby. 

It's definitely not as serious, but if we can view it like this, your offer is a living breathing entity that really needs enough love, energy, investment, time, patience, commitment to get it to its best. To get it to its prime. To get it to this place of momentum where people want it, people have heard about it.

It's got social proof. It's got results. You've got tons of testimonials. You've got so much working for you in this offer that it's just a no brainer for people to want it. And that when you open the doors to it, people already known about it for a long time. They've been saving for it.

They want to get in. People do that. People know about Digiteachers Biz Academy. They save for it and then they hop in every time I launch it. That is because I gave it the energy and the time and the patience that it needed to build up that momentum for me to be able to do that. And that really helps.

If you're chopping and changing all the time, you don't give it that time. You don't give it what it needs to really thrive and really work for you. Because the whole idea is you're creating this digital program or course. You're creating it so that it works for you. And even if you set it up on an evergreen basis, you still need to hold space for that offer.

You need to have customer support. You need to host live group calls. You need to deliver on the promise of the offer. And that is energy. That is your energy that you have to consistently be willing to put into it. To give your students or your clients a great experience. And so it's not something that's willy nilly.

We need to be intentional around our offers and what we choose to sell. And we can't be thinking short term, let me create this thing cause I'm really feeling energetic about it, but it's only going to be there for three months. And then after that, I'm going to create something else. And then after that, I'm going to create something else. 

It really helps to be intentional and ask yourself, am I in this for the long game? Do I have energetic capacity to birth this new child into the world? This new baby, this new offer into the world? And am I going to be all in on this thing?

Am I committed to this thing? Because that's how I've approached my business. I've got a very certain amount of energy. I'm not a highly energetic person and I'm an introvert, so I need to recharge for long periods of time. And for me, that means I'm quite ruthless around what I do. What I bring into my business because if I'm not all in, then it's a no, right?

And I really believe that this has helped me make six figures more easily and more simply because I've just kept it so simple. I've just been like cool, let me create one signature program and let me rinse and repeat and sell it and let me just get it to work for me. Obviously it's different for everyone.

Some people get really bored and they hate that. And I think it's got to do with just your energy type and your personality. If you're into human design, you probably would know that's just not your vibe, but there is a certain point where if you're chopping and changing too soon.

Then you're going to have to keep restarting and it's going to be really tiring and it's not going to help you get to that six figures. It's actually just going to tire you out and burn you out because you can't just keep having babies and then try and lift them up off the ground and then chopping and changing and having another baby and then having another baby.

It sounds exhausting. Even the thought of it for me sounds exhausting. Now, of course, if you really fall out of alignment with your offer and you hate it, then you stop selling it. Because remember, that's what I did in the beginning of my business. I had a course that was making these six figures, it was honestly some of the easiest selling I've ever done. 

It was ridiculous how many people wanted to buy this program. It was only $379, but it would just bring in so much. And I couldn't stand it anymore, even though it made me money. And it was just so out of alignment that I really struggled. So I gave up on it. And I said no, I'm not going to sell this anymore.

It's not true to who I am anymore. So I listened to that intuitive pull. It made sense for me. It was a very intentional strategic decision, and I had planned another offer. Once I had stopped selling the one, I had already had the other one built up. I was very strategic about it. Now, question is. Do you think you have the energetic capacity to look after five babies and give them everything they need to thrive right now, or do you only have the energetic capacity to look after one or two babies properly and give them what they need to thrive?

And that includes an amazing student and client experience as well. And by the way, I'm talking to, I'm talking about your offers. Okay. Do you have the capacity to have five offers and give them everything they need to thrive and an amazing client experience? Or do you only have really the energetic capacity to do one or two, maybe just one.

So for me, I ask myself this question every time I get this idea to go and create an offer because obviously shiny ball syndrome hits you see everyone doing these things. We're creative people. We're entrepreneurs. Of course, we know we can create things. We get a bit of a rush out of it. And so we want to create stuff, right?

So I do get that. But even if it's a low-ticket, 37 euro offer, like my Educators Income Booster Bootcamp. Honestly it's so cheap, it makes a loss in my business. I don't profit from it. And it takes a huge amount of energy for me to promote market and facilitate this event. 

I give everything in this event, anyone who's been in my Bootcamp knows I don't mess around. I'm committed 10 days straight. I'm focused to getting you a result. I can only do it twice a year, maybe three times a year live. That's how much energy it takes for me to facilitate and promote and do everything around this event.

And even if it's cheap, you might think, oh, let me just create lots of cheap offers. I want you to think of a cheap offer in the same way as a big offer, the energy it takes to really deliver on it and to really sell it effectively and to really make it successful. It takes the same amount of energy, honestly.

I feel like my Educator's Income Booster Bootcamp probably takes even more energy than Digiteachers Biz Academy. Sometimes I think that's just what it is. Digiteachers Biz Academy is a thousand to 2000 euros. So, I don't want you to think, oh, let me just create lots of cheap offers and that's the way to get to six figures.

It's really just complexity and it's exhausting and it requires a lot of energy and time to make it work. So my view is, I would rather have one baby, one signature program at a strong enough price point. So mid ticket or high ticket, not meant to be affordable for everyone. Not everyone can do it.

That's just the way it is. And that I deliver an excellent experience for my students and clients who come into that offer. And I learned to sell that offer really well, really it's like a well-oiled machine that I've just gotten better and better at it. The same offer, similar sales system, and the delivery just gets better because I get better at facilitating the program.

This has allowed me to get to six figures three years in a row without burning out. And yeah, sometimes the shiny ball syndrome kicks in and I'm like, oh, maybe I should launch this. Maybe I should launch that. Maybe I should create this. And I think, okay, well to create more money, you should create more offers.

And I think that's the immediate thing that people think to do. But sometimes it's just getting better and raising the price of your current offer, firstly. Making it a signature program and making it freaking amazing. And then whenever you do want to add something into your offer suite, you always want to ask yourself, do I have the capacity to have another child right now?

That's one way to make you think, okay? That's one way to make you say, okay, maybe I shouldn't just jump into this too soon. Because I want you to think of those offers as children. They need love, attention. This is a little baby. You're going to have to help it grow and fend for itself.

You need to ask yourself, do I have that capacity right now? Am I fully committed to this baby for the next long-term game, like more than a year. And for me, if I don't feel this intense pull and excitement, then I don't act. It has to be very intuitive for me. It is a feeling.

And honestly, sometimes I don't have the feeling for a long time. To be honest, I've been in a bit of a lull of not feeling like creating another or not having another baby and creating another big program or offer for a long time now. And I'm wondering, oh, there's something wrong with me. But really, it's just my energy type and I just haven't felt the thing that's going to be the intense pull and excitement. Growth Accelerator was the last thing that I felt the pull and I went hard.

It's incredible. But now I'm just like, no that's me for now. These are my things. These are, these are the offers that I have. This is how I can support you in your business. DBA is for the people who are wanting to learn how to launch a course and then Growth Accelerator is for someone who's launched a course and is wanting to grow and scale, right? 

Those are the things. And for me, it was an intense, yes. It was a full body yes. I'm all in on this offer. This is going to stay with me for a while. I've been selling DBA for three years now. I've never felt an energy around DBA like that. It literally took over me. It was birthed in the most incredible way. 

And I've had it for three years and I still put energy into it. I always trying to refresh the offer, trying to refresh the process of how I sell it. Trying to refresh the experience of it. So people are having good results.

I'm always working on it. So this is the thing. This is the thing that keeps me in alignment and making money simply. I don't think that creating more programs is necessarily the right route for everyone to making more money. Maybe for some, depends on your energy.

For me, making one exceptional mid ticket or high ticket offer and becoming very good at selling it is the simplest route. And it's what I've done. It's literally all I do. I can only speak from my results and I'm not working all the time, guys. I don't have millions of calls in my calendar. I have a few calls a week and I just work in my own time. I do whatever I want. 

Okay. So let's move on to my actual simple but effective process to hitting six figures in your business. The simple Michelle way. Number one. You need a lead generation system. By the way, I think this is basically a three-step simple method. I just created this on the fly, but number one, step one is a lead generation system.

You need to be able to bring new people into your world and onto your email list all the time. You need some sort of system and method that does that. And there are organic methods and there's paid methods. So is it a podcast that you have? Are you running Facebook ads? Is it a YouTube channel? Do you have a tripwire funnel?

Do you have a freebie funnel with some sort of lead magnet? How are you bringing new people into your world to learn about you, to learn from you, to build trust in you, to enjoy your work. Okay. So this is important. Every online business needs a lead generation system. It's your marketing.

You need to have marketing. You need to be able to bring new people into your world. And you've got to choose what works right for you and don't try to do everything and half ass it. Choose something and do it properly. So maybe choose one organic channel and one paid ads channel and then do them properly.

So if YouTube is your choice, then go all in on YouTube and master YouTube. Get good at YouTube. Become skillfull at doing YouTube and building followers and audiences and email us with YouTube. If Instagram is your choice, then go in all in on Instagram and get good at Instagram. Just choose whatever works for you and then get good at it.

Marketing is important. Bringing new people into your world is important. You can't really avoid it. Every online business needs a lead generation system. I'm a fan of Facebook advertising and I'm a fan of Instagram and I've got my podcast, which those are my things. So it's Facebook ads, Instagram, podcast. And I have my email, obviously my email newsletter, which is the bread and butter. 

That's the most important. My favourite thing is my podcast and my email newsletter. So choose your lead generation system. You need to be able to bring new people into your world. And then you also need to nurture those people.

And let them connect with you, learn from you and all that stuff. Then the next step is create one offer. Make it a signature program, make it a core offer. And ideally make it a thousand dollars or up really. I mean, you can also do well with a $500 offer. But if this is going to be the meat and potatoes, the bread and the butter, if this is your core offer, this means that most of your revenue will come from this offer.

80% of your revenue will probably come from this offer. And it needs to have a decent price point. It needs to be your signature program. It's possible. I'm not going to say it's not possible. I had a $379 program for the first two years of my business and it made six figures, right?

So it's fine. If your offer is only like 400 bucks. You can do it. There needs to be demand for it. And yeah, you just have to do your numbers, but really if you want to be able to market it and you want to build in some marketing margin into your price point as well. So if you want to run ads, you want to build that into your price point and you just want to make sure that by the end of it, you've got profit, right?

That's why charging very cheaply, just cuts you really short because at the end of the day you're not going to have profit. And so you have to look at that. You have to run your numbers. But basically I'm all about creating one signature program. And making it amazing, like make the whole journey into that program amazing. 

Make your students feel amazing. Make your clients feel like this is freaking amazing. And just get really good at delivering on the promise of that offer and getting results. Just get lots of results and then keep selling that. Just keep selling the same thing over and over. So that's it. One offer, one signature program.

That's what I would do if it was me. I wouldn't create lots of offers. I wouldn't create lots of low-ticket offers. I wouldn't try create a membership personally. Memberships need very high volume. And I feel that's quite tough at the beginning. For me, it's quite simple. A mid ticket or high ticket signature program. I'd create that and then one sales system.

So I would find a way to sell that signature program. I would find a way to live launch it and I would focus on really getting good at live launching that particular program. I would choose the sales system that makes most sense. Some people would do a video series or a free training week. This is how I help my DBA students launch.

And I did that for a long time and actually was really, really successful. Is the video series type sales system or a live webinar type sales system. I've done that. I've done so many different things, but basically what I would say is just commit to one sales system, at most at the beginning. And just get really good. Rinse and repeat the same thing over and over again.

I'm literally asking you to rinse and repeat. I'm asking you to just do the same thing over and over again. I know some people find that really boring. But once you build up your launch and you set up your live launch, it takes energy to set up that live launch sell system. The first one's you're going to have to really go in on it.

You're going to be creating all the assets from scratch. And so it's going to take time. Think of it like having a baby. It's going to take some energy. But once it's built, all you need to do is look at what worked, look at what didn't work, refine the things that didn't work or get rid of the things that didn't work. Refine the things that did work, double down on the things that did work and slowly tweak your conversions and just rinse and repeat the same thing over and over again. 

Launch your offer four times a year, if you can. Or three times a year. And just get really good at selling something. One of our DBA students has just had her fifth launch of the same offer, and it's the same launch system, so she's applying exactly what I'm saying, and she made 15,000 euros.

And her last launch, I think she also made about 14 / 15,000 euros. And her product is 200 to 300 euros, I think. And she's a Dutch teacher. And so she doesn't have a very expensive product. Typically it's more on the low-ticket side. But she's able to make 15,000 euros in a week.

And that's amazing. And then she sells other stuff on the side, sort of evergreen in between. Now, this is what I'm telling you to do one offer one sales system. And she's done that and she's now hit the momentum stage. So now she's given her offer enough time and energy, and she's practiced the launch sales system enough times that she is in the state where she's scaling. 

And she's just making a lot of money in a really short amount of time. And that takes some time. It takes some energy. It takes some patience. But that's what I did. That's what she did. I've got another DBA student who's doing that as well. And it's just rinsing and repeating.

And I actually got a good couple of DBA students are launching, but a lot of them have just done their first launch and are onto doing their second one. So it's just three things. A lead generation system. Decide it. Commit to it. Get good at it. 

Build one offer. Make it awesome. Make it your signature program for a while. Commit to this offer like a baby. Give it the love and attention it needs to grow. Don't chop and change. Avoid it if you can. And then one sales system and get good at selling. Get good at this particular way of selling this offer. Get good at articulating the value of the offer.

Get good at speaking about it. Get good at the whole process of selling it. Get comfortable. Get confident. And that's it. The three-step simple process to hitting six figures in your business. That's what I've done. I see that as being the easiest roadmap. It's the opposite to complexity. But people really struggle.

People really struggle to follow this simple process. What I see mostly is shiny ball syndrome. People are chopping and changing. Because they're like, oh, this'll work. oh no, this'll work. oh, this'll work. And they just restart over and over. And the other thing that I see is people getting bored. 

They're like, oh, I'm so bored of launching this thing. Yeah. It's making me money and it works, but I'm bored. Now I feel that I've experienced boredom as well, but there are ways that you can change things without completely throwing everything out and restarting. Find creative ways of your message, create a rebrand. Do different things to refresh your business for you so that you don't just change things out of boredom.

Sometimes being a little bored is actually where you want to be in your business for a period of time. So you can just ride that wave of like, okay, I know how to do this. It's okay. If you don't want to be challenged for a period of time, just ride the wave. Keep it simple.

Don't add complexity if it doesn't need to be complex. And if you want to go from six figures to seven figures, people are like it needs to be more complex. No, it actually just needs to be simpler. You actually need to strip back and cut out everything that's not working and really only do the core things that are working and just double down on them.

And that's when it gets scalable. The more simple, the more scalable. So if you're feeling the boredom, or if you're feeling the shiny ball syndrome, and you're seeing it, just have awareness. It's okay to sometimes feel a bit bored. There are ways for you to re-ignite or invigorate your feeling and creativity. 

You can be creative in other ways. You don't have to create new offers. You can do other things. You can change things in your current offer and shake it up a little bit. Just keep it simple. So I hope this helped you. I hope it made sense. This is really how I would get to six figures.

And obviously one of the most important things is being able to build out a good offer. People who struggle to sell stuff, often the offer is weak and it's okay. We're all learning. I had weak offers. We just learn, right? We learn and we get better. So, if you ever want to sell anything online, no matter whether it's a teaching package, a course, a group program, a coaching program, a membership, even just a low-ticket workshop, then you need to know how to make a strong offer.

So people actually want to buy it and do buy it. You can't just build a course, and then be like, people are going to buy it. That doesn't work like that, right. You actually want to position it, package it, and articulate that program in a very particular way to make it hot, desirable.

And this is a skill, and this is the skill that I'm going to help you do in my Bootcamp. I'm going to help you create one epic juicy hot offer, which is either for an online course or a group program. The goal is that it's scalable. I'm going to help you position it in a way that it can sell. So once you learn how to do this once. 

And you learn these core ingredients and you build out one hot offer, you apply the same methodology in the same system over and over again to anything else that you want to sell online. If your offer is weak, it's not going to sell. If your offer is strong, it's going to sell a bit more easily. And this is why I think this Bootcamp is amazing.

And this is why I think It's really the perfect starting point for people who want to sell courses and group programs online. It's 37 euros. It's 10 days with me of live magic. If you can't be there live the whole time, you'll get six-month access to the replays in your ticket. And this may be the last time I run it live this year.

As I said, it's literally a newborn child that I need to give a lot of love and attention to. And I may not have the capacity to do it again this year. I'm not sure. I will find out later. So if you want to work with me live for 10 days in this most beautiful space with tons of ambitious educators at the most abundant price.

Then please get your butt in this bootcamp with the link in the show notes or wherever you see it. You can always message me if you need the link as well. If you have any questions I'm there to answer. And I hope you enjoyed this episode. I hope you have an amazing rest of your week and I look forward to chatting to you again next week.

Thanks so much for listening to today's episode. I am beyond excited to announce that the doors to my live Educators Income Booster Bootcamp are officially open. If you are looking to escape the time for money teaching treadmill as a teacher or teaching business owner and create a course or group program that can scale your income and impact for years to come. Then this is the bootcamp for you. 

You can grab your ticket for just 37 euros on my website at digiteach.biz. Doors close soon, and I won't be running this live for a couple of months. So don't wait!

I appreciate you so much. And I can't wait to connect with you in the next episode. In the meantime, go create a business and life you love.

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The Empowered Edupreneur is your weekly dose of business and mindset development geared towards educators in online business. 

Michelle's mission is simple: To help educators unlock their infinite potential within, take back their power, and make their own money online. In this podcast, you can expect weekly inspiration, relatable stories, and business advice to help you grow your online business with more ease and joy (and fewer teaching hours). 

Be sure to hit subscribe so you don't miss an episode! 

Tags: Online business success,6-figure roadmap, Dream big with business, Simple business strategies, Profitable online growth, Game-changing tips, Expand your business impact.

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