Episode 39:

Behind the scenes of my live Educators Income Booster Bootcamp.

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Hello, amazing one! Welcome back to the Empowered Edupreneur Podcast.

In this episode today, I am diving into the nitty gritty details of my live Educators Income Booster Bootcamp. This is one of the most expansive, high-vibe, and powerful programs that I run live a few times a year only. 

I really believe it is a truly impactful and life-changing experience for the ambitious educator or teaching business owner who desires to take their income and impact to the next level through digital courses and group programs. 

In this episode, I will share:

  • The behind-the-scenes of the Educators Income Booster Bootcamp and who it is for.
  • What you can expect in detail from this 10-day live experience. 
  • How this bootcamp will give you a core powerful skill that can help you make money for years to come!

Doors are officially open for the Educators Income Booster Bootcamp for just €37. 

I am going to help you map out your own program from start to finish on paper so that you have the clarity and confidence to go sell the damn thing and make moolah! 

This really is an incredible experience and I cannot wait to connect and serve you inside.

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Welcome to the Empowered Edupreuner Podcast. My name is Michelle Smit, and I am an ex-teacher turned online business coach for Edupreneurs, the owner of Digiteach and a six-figure entrepreneur. I am in love with empowering educators just like you to create freedom filled online businesses and lives they love.

If you are looking to uplevel your skills, your finances, your mindset, and change the trajectory of your life as an educator and business, then you are in the right place. Think of this podcast as your weekly dose of business and mindset development to help unlock the infinite potential within you. To play bigger with your life and go after your dreams.

We are going to have so much fun together. So thank you so much for pushing play today. Now let's dive in.

Hello, hello, hello. Welcome, welcome back to my podcast. I'm so happy to have you here. I'm so happy to be chatting to you. Today I had the feeling of doing something a bit different in this episode. We are basically live and we have opened the doors for enrollment to my live Educators Income Booster Bootcamp.

So that has happened today. I hope that this episode goes out on the 6th of July because that is when the doors are opening officially to the world. And so I thought, in the celebration of that, I'm going to create an episode on this bootcamp. I think it's really, really, really good and really, really quite transformational. Not to toot my own horn, but for me the amount of energy and commitment and just sheer devotion that I give in these 10 days. Is unlike anything else that I do. And this Educators Income Booster Bootcamp is very dear to my heart.

I get a lot of fulfillment out of it and energy and meaning I get a lot of meaning out of it, but it takes a lot of my energy to facilitate this experience and give it the best that I can give. I really give it my all. And because it's 10 days, it's quite a long thing to be giving a hundred percent of your energy to. I can't actually do it a lot.

And so I don't have this live bootcamp happening often. Some people are like, oh, why don't you do it more? And I'm like, because I literally will burn out and I wouldn't survive. I didn't build a business to just burnout. That's just not my vibe. So I very much tune into my energy around when I'm going to do it. And I am feeling so excited to be doing another one.

I mean, it has been a lot of months. I've had a lot of months without it. I think our last one was in January and now it's July, so it's been like six months. So I'm definitely ready to have another live round of this bootcamp. And I'm not sure if I'm going to do it again this year. I don't know.

Maybe I will. I'm trying to, I'm just going to feel into it, but I'm not promising anything. If it comes, it comes, but for now, let's just sit with it. The doors are open. You'll be able to join, if you click the link underneath this episode. If you cannot find the link, you are welcome to message me and just message me the word bootcamp. 

And I'll literally send you the link to join if that's easier. So this episode is all about what this damn thing is about and the details, because I know some of us love a little detail. And I'm going to just spell it out for you right now. Okay. 

So what is this bootcamp? What is it? The Educators Income Booster Bootcamp is my live five-day bootcamp that teaches online and freelance teaching business owners how to package their knowledge into an online course that gives them more freedom, flexibility, and financial security. What is the goal of the bootcamp? Okay, so the end goal of this bootcamp, which is essentially a mini course, is for you to have mapped out a hot, hot offer that is positioned to sell from start to finish on paper. 

Okay. So it's a hot offer that is positioned to sell, and we're mapping it out from start to finish on paper. So by the end of our time together, you'll have the clarity on what you can sell online with whatever gifts, whatever niche that you're in, whatever teaching thing that you want to do, doesn't even have to be related to teaching.

If you don't want to go into it, if it's coaching, whatever niche it is, you're going to have the clarity on what that niche is, what the topic is, who your ideal student avatar is, what's the price point of your offer. If you have a payment plan, we're going to look at your program promise and your transformation that you're providing your students.

We're going to look at your modules, your roadmap. So how are you actually going to guide those students to that transformation? We're literally looking at the entire offer from start to finish, and I'm helping you map it out. So by the end, I really want this whole thing mapped out on paper. I want you to have the clarity to be like, wow.

I just created this whole offer, this whole amazing offer that came out of my brain, onto paper that is not only just an offer, but it's actually a well thought out, well positioned and strong offer that can actually sell. So why is this the goal of the bootcamp? Like, why do I teach you this? Why do I help you map out an offer?

So this is important to know. And I think this is where a lot of people get it wrong. People just think, I'm going to create a course and people are going to buy my course, and that's it. Like, I'm just going to create a course and people will buy my course. And it's as simple as that. Right? No, it's definitely not like that.

Just because you create a course, it doesn't mean it's going to sell. And if you actually want to make your own money, in your own online business in whatever way that is. Even if it isn't through courses and group programs, maybe it's even one-on-one. Then you have to learn how to create a desirable and strong offer.

So many people just create these programs and they just miss the mark. They're not strong. They haven't got any of the ingredients needed to make it desirable. They're selling stuff that people don't even want. And so this is not the route to go down. So I think it's honestly one of the most invaluable skills to learn, in how to create a strong offer.

I think it's invaluable because I've got a method that I'm going to be sharing with you that I use over and over and over and over again whenever I create off my own offers. And I honestly, I've never ever created something that has never sold. And I think that sounds a bit weird.

I've actually never said that out loud. It sounds crazy. I've never created something that has never sold. Everything that I've created in Digiteach has sold. Maybe it hasn't sold the best and it could have been improved. Which always room for improvement, hello. But I've never not sold a product.

And I'm good at creating offers and I know because I've got the method, I've done it, for me, it's just the same method over and over again. And so I'm going to help you with acquiring the skill, and I'm going to share the method with you and the actual process that I go through, and then we're going to do it together.

And then once you learn this once. You just have to learn it once. You just have to do it once. You can apply it to anything you want to sell online. Anything. If you want to sell a workshop for $37, if you want to sell a high-ticket one-on-one package for $3,000, $5,000, $10,000. If you want to sell a membership for $10 a month, say just a low-cost membership.

If you want to sell a teaching package for six weeks, it doesn't matter what you selling. If you don't know how to create an offer out of it that's desirable and hot and strong and all those good things. Then people aren't going to buy it and you're not going to make any money, or it's going to be tough to sell and it's just going to be a struggle and it doesn't have to be.

So I'm going to share this all with you in the bootcamp, and this is why I'm very passionate about it because I think the skill is amazing. Once you learn how to do this, you can sell whatever you want afterwards because you can make a hard offer because you've got the skill, you understand the business side of things, you understand the messaging, you understand the positioning, and you can create something that people actually want. 

This is the goal of the bootcamp. Okay, now who is it for? I believe that this bootcamp is for any educator. It doesn't matter if you're in a classroom. It doesn't matter if you're an online teacher. It doesn't matter if you're a lecturer at a university or a tutor or a trainer even if you're a trainer. 

And it's absolutely 100% for teaching business owners. So anyone who's got their own teaching business, they're teaching one-on-one. They've got maybe a couple of group sessions that they do, but they're really struggling because they're in this trading their time for money trap.

This bootcamp is definitely for you. So it's pretty much for any educator and any teaching business owner who wants to create a scalable online course or a group program and sell it online. So either it is because they want to increase their income and impact, or it's because they want to escape the teaching treadmill, or they want to create some semi-passive income, or they want to create scalable income with a digital asset.

Whatever the reason is, if you want to create a course to sell. Then this bootcamp is for you, a hundred percent. I want you in it, you're going to love it. I built it for you. So what is the date of this live event or this live bootcamp? This live round will start on the 28th of July with the pre-party.

Yes, we have a pre-party. It's a vibe, and then it's going to go until the 6th of August, 2023. It's going to be five days of training where I'm legit just taking you through this amazing method of creating an offer, and we're going to be doing a lot of homework. Which I don't call homework. I call it love work because I think it's wonderful and it's good for you.

And I don't like the word homework, so I call it love work. But it's five days of that. And then it's five days of bonus sessions, which is like Q&A sessions, implementation all sorts of things like that. So in total, we have 10 days together in a row where I go live every single day with you.

And it's just power, power, power all the way. Where is the event hosted now? I know a lot of people aren't on Facebook, right? The community will be in a Facebook group. Everyone will be in the Facebook group. We'll all be connecting and chatting to each other and posting our stuff.

And all the love work that I'll be asking you to do will be in a Facebook group. But I'm actually going to be hosting the whole event and all the live sessions in Zoom. So if you don't have Facebook, it's not the end of the world. If you register and get a ticket, you will get links to the zoom room and we will be in Zoom together.

So yeah, it's going to be pretty cool like that. I often get this question, what if I can't join live or what if I can't come the whole time or whatever. Now, I don't want this to be a reason why you don't join. I don't think it's a good enough reason. I have made sure that you will have six months access to all the replays.

Every day, all the sessions that I do, you'll have six-month access to all of them included in your ticket. So if you can't join live, you've got six months access to the content. So it's not really an issue. Of course, if you can join live, it's so much better and obviously so much fun and so powerful because I really believe the energy transmission live is like nothing else.

Replays are amazing, but live is where it's at. Plus you can ask me all your questions live. But if you really can't make it, it's fine. You've got access to the replays and if you have questions, you can also drop it in the Facebook group and I can answer there. Now another question I get is, what if I want to do it later?

Can I do it later? Obviously you can do it later, but I just don't know when I'm going to be doing it again. I've been thinking about it a lot about the rest of the year and what I want to do, and I'm just not really finding a gap for the bootcamp again at this moment. So I don't know if I'm going to be running it again this year, and so it would have to be next year, like 2024.

And that's in a long time. I don't recommend that you wait for later. That's just my honest opinion on it. I think that if you keep prolonging this, I just think that you're just going to be in this same position. Nothing's going to change. In order to change your life, in order to make money, in order to sell a course, in order to do all the things that I want to help you do.

We have to start somewhere. And the bootcamp is the best place to start, and it's the most low cost entry price in the world, which I haven't even mentioned yet. So let me mention that. What is the price? It is for the live round of the bootcamp. It's 37 Euros, that's it. 37 euros, 37 Buckaroos for 10 days with me.

Live and yeah, there's really no better place. There's no better place to have the kind of close proximity connection, support, help, guidance, mentorship, coaching, business coaching strategy, course creation. All of the stuff that I do. This is the most accessible thing that I do with the most abundant price. I have created this price because everyone needs to be in this, this needs to be accessible to as many teachers as possible.

And that's it. I think a couple of coffees a week and that's 37 euros. Oh, well, I mean in the Netherlands at least. If you're living in like a cheap country, maybe not, but really it's one dinner out and what is one dinner out? Nothing. The price is that and you have six months access to all the replays included in that ticket immediately. 

The other question that I get is, what am I going to actually learn? What am I learning in this thing? What are we doing exactly? So let me just spell it out for you. On the first day we're going to kick off with a pre-party. It's fun, it's a nice way to connect. Set our intentions for our time together.

I'm big into setting intentions and we're going to really set the tone for the whole experience together. So that's a fun start of the whole thing. Then day one, I'm going to focus on finding your niche. And your dream student. So we're going to look at that. We're going to learn who you want to serve in your course or your group program.

Who is that target customer, the person that you're trying to help. Then day two, we will discover your program promise, which is basically your student transformation. So where they are now and where they'll be at the end of your program. And so what is the end goal of your course? What is that program promise? So that you can find the clarity for that.

I think it's really important that you have clarity on what your program promise is and what your end goal is for your students, because that is going to give you the knowledge to actually sell the offer. I think that's really key, one of the most important things actually in selling your offer is this program promise.

So we're going to spell that out together. Then day three, we are going to do modules for success and juicy bonuses. Basically, we're going to map out your entire course from start to finish in terms of the actual modules and the roadmap, and then we're going to create some really good bonuses that amplify the value of your offer. Very important. 

Then day four, we are going to find a price that makes profit for you. Okay? This is a part that's really difficult for teachers and teaching business owners. As soon as people hit pricing, they'll want to like run a million miles in the next direction. We're not doing that. We're really coming together.

I'm going to help you with pricing so that you can also make some cash, money, some profit, because that's why we're here, right? So this session is very valuable. And then day number five, I'm going to show you how to actually sell your course and fill it with dreamy students. This is my best training of them all.

This is the one where I really go into how you sell the thing, instead of just the thing itself. And I love this topic so much because it's basically launching, and I love to teach on this. And I think it's one of the most incredible, incredible skills that you can learn. If you learn how to do this, I honestly believe that you have given yourself a rod to fish for the rest of your life and you've just got this license to print money.

So that is what I'm sharing with you in day five. And then we are going to have a bunch of bonuses as well. So one of the bonuses is a mindset magic masterclass. I'm diving into all the mindset juiciness and limiting beliefs. Especially that teachers and teaching business owners have when it comes to selling courses and growing an online business.

I have another training with the owner of the Course Creators Kit, she's amazing, by the way. Her name's Eddette. We use the Course Creators Kit to run our entire business on and host all of our courses, and it just makes tech so much easier. 

Tech feels like a breeze on Course Creators Kit compared to other systems that we've used. And I know tech is something that really stresses people out when it comes to creating courses and selling courses and all the details of that. And so we've got her coming in to give you an awesome training on the tech. All the tech tools that you really need in order to create and sell your course, both of them.

So really the essential stuff. And then I'm going to give you a fill in the blanks, like course outline, where we're going to fill it out together. A course name, cheat sheet. So I'm going to help you find a name for your program. A juicy bonuses vault to help you brainstorm awesome bonuses.

So, honestly there's just so much good stuff in this, in this event. And yeah, I'm really pumped. I'm really excited and I think one of the coolest things about this bootcamp is you're going to meet at least over a hundred awesome teaching business owners and educators. From all over the world, all different backgrounds, all different passions, the energy of this group is always different. 

Every time I run it live the energy of the event is different. But it's expansive, it's motivating, it's inspiring, it's connecting. And it's really cool. A lot of people become really good friends for life after this event. And also a lot of people they actually network and they start collaborating and doing things together, which is also awesome.

So there's really a lot of value in the actual community itself. And joh, we have some phenomenal Bootcampers. Our alumni is also being invited. So, If you have done the bootcamp already you're a bootcamp alumni, or if you have purchased the prerecorded version of the bootcamp. You're going to get an email with an invite to the bootcamp at 50% off the ticket price.

So I'm inviting all of our previous bootcamps back at 50% off because it's such a good event that people just keep coming back and doing it again and again and again and again. So many of our alumni come back because of the momentum, the energy, the clarity, the ahas. Sometimes you need it twice for everything to really simmer and sink in.

But the transformations that we have is just amazing. We've had people start their own business right afterwards. Multiple, multiple people I've seen go on and just create their own business online. Straight after the bootcamp. Selling whatever offer they come up with. 

Literally they've started an entire business just after 37 euro bootcamp. And that's really why I do this. I think that is fricking badass and that makes me so happy. Makes me so happy. The transformations and the stories and the results and just seeing people do well and all of that just makes me so stoked.

Now that you know all the details, you can't say I haven't shared it with you in complete detail. I feel like I haven't missed anything out. I mean, that's literally what's come to my mind mostly. If you are ready to create a course or group program that you can sell for years to come. An asset that's going to make you more money, help you impact more students without having to trade your precious time for money.

If that sounds like your jam. Then I really, really invite you just to lean into this bootcamp. Grab your ticket. It's going to be some of the best 37 euros you ever spend, and I cannot wait to meet you. I cannot wait to help you create this offer. I cannot wait to see your transformation just in the 10 days that we're going to be together.

Yeah, I'm just super, super excited. The doors are open and they'll be open for about three weeks. They won't be open forever. So if you're feeling the pull. Listen to your intuition and dive in. I cannot wait to see you there. And also you can message me with the word bootcamp on Instagram if you want me to send you the link.

Otherwise, I hope you have an amazing rest of your day, and I will chat to you again next week. Bye. 

Thanks so much for listening to today's episode. I am beyond excited to announce that the doors to my live educators in Income Booster Bootcamp are officially open. If you are looking to escape the time for money teaching treadmill as a teacher or teaching business owner and create a course or group program that can scale your income and impact for years to come, then this is the bootcamp for you. 

You can grab your ticket for just 37 Euros on my website at digiteach.biz. Doors close soon, and I won't be running this live for a couple of months, so don't wait. 

I appreciate you so much, and I can't wait to connect with you in the next episode. In the meantime, go create a business and life you love.

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The Empowered Edupreneur is your weekly dose of business and mindset development geared towards educators in online business. 

Michelle's mission is simple: To help educators unlock their infinite potential within, take back their power, and make their own money online. In this podcast, you can expect weekly inspiration, relatable stories, and business advice to help you grow your online business with more ease and joy (and fewer teaching hours). 

Be sure to hit subscribe so you don't miss an episode! 

Tags: Educators Income Booster Bootcamp, Teaching business owner, Digital courses for educators, Making money through education.

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