Episode 36:

How win stacking will transform your life and business

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Hello, amazing one! Welcome back to the Empowered Edupreneur Podcast.

Today we are talking about such a simple, but wildly transformational practice: Win stacking!

This is similar to a gratitude practice except I am infusing it into my daily life as I work in my business. And I am doing it with clients and it’s pretty amazing to see the benefits!

In this episode, I will share:

  • What win stacking is and why we should do it.
  • How to win stack in the simplest way possible consistently
  • What it does for us in our lives and business

Based on the law of attraction, you attract that which you are. And if you are constantly in a space of ‘’not enoughness’’ and viewing your business and life from the lens of ‘’this isn’t good enough’’ then it will be reflected back to you.

If you want to decrease your suffering, find more flow, and magnetize more good things coming your way like money, clients, sales, promotions, travel, and pleasure... Then you want to be in a place of pride and gratitude for what is.

It’s a fine art balancing our ambition and desires with our gratitude for what is, but win stacking will help you do it.

Have you heard? I have created an amazing new freebie: The Scalable Digital Course Roadmap which is for the freelance / teaching business owners who are burning out from trading their time for money and are looking to create a digital course but have no clue where to start. I am giving you the 6 steps to turning your 1x1 students into a scalable course that will free you from the teaching treadmill.

Grab it HERE.

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  • Click here for the Scalable Digital Course Roadmap and let me help you turn your 1 x 1 classes into a digital asset that increases your income and impact without teaching all day, everyday.



Welcome to the Empowered Edupreneur Podcast. My name is Michelle Smit, and I am an ex-teacher turned online business coach for Edupreneurs, the owner of Digiteach and a six-figure entrepreneur. I am in love with empowering educators just like you to create freedom filled online businesses and lives they love.

If you are looking to up-level your skills, your finances, your mindset, and change the trajectory of your life as an educator and business, then you are in the right place. Think of this podcast as your weekly dose of business and mindset development to help unlock the infinite potential within you. To play bigger with your life and go after your dreams.

We are going to have so much fun together. So thank you so much for pushing play today. Now let's dive in.

Hello, hello and welcome back to my podcast. I hope you are having a beautiful day. I am literally sitting here in like 30 degree heat, and I must say it is warm. Suddenly the sun has come and it's coming in hot, and I'm literally sweating right now, but I'm not complaining. You know, I love summer. 

The sun is my happy place, so I'm so grateful to have it with me. And I hope the sun is shining by you too. Anyways, today I've got an episode for you where I'm going to be talking about a simple but powerful concept that I'm sort of practicing at the moment.

Now this isn't going to be an episode with lots and lots of information. I'm sharing one core practice that really has the power to change the lens in which you view your life. And this practice is called win stacking. I don't know if this is the name of it or if I coined this name, but this is what I'm calling it and I'm sharing it with you today.

Okay, so win stacking. So in this episode, I'm going to be sharing. What is win stacking and why we should do it, and how to win stack in the simplest way possible and what win stacking does for us in our lives and our business. So why should you do this thing called win stacking? And what is this thing called win stacking?

So win stacking is basically a gratitude practice. Okay? It's basically the same thing. It's essentially where you are acknowledging all the good in your life and in your business daily, but instead of having to like sit down and like journal out what you're grateful with, a lot of people struggle to journal.

I struggle to journal. I struggle to like create the space for that. It's hard for me to implement it. I have tried something new and this is with win stacking and I'm literally infusing win stacking into my daily life all the time now. Now, the point of win stacking is to create evidence for your brain consistently for why things are actually going well for you.

Our brains love to see the negative. It's like our default often is to find what's wrong, what's not going right, you know, all the, the bad stuff. It's quite easy for our brains to go there. And it's not as easy to like see what's good, and I think most people's brains are a bit wired like this. I certainly feel like mine is as well.

I think it's just part of the brain's wiring, right? So, we need to actively work at changing our perception and our lens of the world so that we can just naturally see the good all the time and feel the good all the time and enjoy the good all the time. And I really believe that win stacking does this, at least for me it does.

And I'm finding it to be really quite transformative for me. By consciously looking and seeking, almost like seeking up positives around you and then stacking them. So the act of stacking them, meaning you're doing it over and over again, one on top of the other, daily, weekly, monthly, you are very much actively rewiring your brain to see the good. 

And then as you stack all your wins, this momentum builds. And as that momentum builds and as you really acknowledge all the good around you, you infuse your body with gratitude, you raise your energetic vibration, and everything seems to feel a bit easier, things flow better. Doors open.

Opportunities come in, money flows more easily, life feels better. Business feels better when it comes to making money. Money is energy, okay? And if you know about law of attraction, you attract that which you are. So if you are in lack, if you are in fear, if you are in negativity, scarcity, not enoughness.

And that's the lens in which you see your world, and that's the lens in which you see your business, and that's how you just are. And that's your beingness within your business. Your world will reflect back to you. Your fear lack negativity and not enoughness. You will find evidence for it. Your brain will seek out more evidence for why you're unlucky, why things not are going well, why there's never enough money.

Your brain will look for reasons to believe it to be true and you will literally recreate it in your life. Okay? So the lens in which you view your world becomes essentially like your identity, your beingness, and that has an energy, your thoughts, your beliefs, your views, all of it carries an energy, and that energy ripples out into the world and then the world ripples it right back.

It's like a reflection, like a mirror. So, if you're desiring to make more money or create more freedom or whatever, take your business to another level, or get a promotion at work, whatever the thing is, you want to become an energetic match for that. You want to actually raise your energy, raise your beingness to be an energetic match for all that goodness, all that amazing stuff to come.

And win stacking does this, okay? Win stacking raises your frequency, and if you do this consistently, it rewires your brain so that that's just who you are. You don't even have to try. You just see things that are good for you. You just feel lucky. That's just your beingness, and when you get to that point, that's magical.

That's where we want to be. We want to be that person. We don't want to have to try and work at it. And yes, win stacking is something that you have to be very conscious of. You have to practice it. It's a practice. Infuse it into your day, infuse it into the things that you're doing. Take a moment to celebrate the win.

Acknowledge the win. Look at the good stuff. Find the good stuff. Let it build up momentum. Let it make you feel good. Let it raise your frequency until it just becomes who you are. Okay. It changes the lens in which you see the world. The other reason I think win stacking can be really transformational. It's for everyone in life.

I think this will be valid for everyone, but I think business owners as well, like people who are trying to make their own money and their own stuff. We are, I think as human beings by nature, we are never content. We are never fully a hundred percent content, and we are always looking for the next milestone.

We are always striving for the next thing. Like you may be living in a place now and you're like, oh, I wish I lived there. And then eventually you move there and you're like, oh, well I wish I lived there. And then you eventually move there and you're like, hmm it's nice, but I wish I lived there. And you just keep moving the goalpost and you're just never happy.

And when it comes to business, say you're dreaming of having like a 5K month and then you working at it for months, and then eventually you have a 5K month and then you get this like momentary feeling of excitement and gratitude. But it's quite momentary. And then before you know it, this like not enoughness, creeps in and then you're like, okay, cool, let's move the goalpost to 10 K months.

I've hit the 5K month, let's move it to 10. And then you're sitting in the suffering point again where you're like, oh, like I'm sort of not happy, like it's not enough 5k, I need 10 K. And then you're like, okay, cool. Then you work, work, work, work, work. You hit the 10 K and you have a moment of satisfaction and you're like, wow, I hit 10 K, and then moment's gone, and then it's like, oh, not enough. Let's make it 20 K. 

Then you push the goal post and you just keep repeating the same cycle. It literally keeps going. It doesn't end. You will keep pushing the goalpost and you'll keep doing that. And our hunger for more is like insatiable at the end of the day. And that is no matter whether you bring in a thousand dollars a month or a hundred thousand dollars a month, I've seen seven figure business owners like talking about this and experiencing this.

Like they are not content with what they have. And this is just because we have this like human thing where we're constantly wanting more. It's like insatiable. And so if we're constantly wanting more and we're never in gratitude for what actually is in our life, then we aren't going to be happy. 

At the end of the day if you're constantly saying, this isn't good enough. With everything, with the money you make, with the partner you have, with the job that you've got. If you're constantly viewing it as this is not good enough, I'm not happy, or like whatever. It's increases your suffering. It really does.

I am guilty of those too, okay. I have lived this experience. I have been there and I am still there. I still have to catch myself. It keeps you on the suffering train where nothing is ever enough. When will it be enough? When will you just sit in gratitude and be grateful and be happy for what is, and I believe for me personally, what I've experienced is with win stacking and with practicing it daily.

So I'm stacking upon, stacking upon stacking. I'm not like doing it once and forgetting about it has to be like a stacking thing. Consistently looking and seeking the good stuff around me and like celebrating it. It's like my brain is looking for good stuff all the time. I'm like looking at everything with this different lens. 

 It's like looking in the fridge and seeing a fridge full of food. What a win. I have a fridge full of food. It's like me having my smoothie in the morning and it's my favourite breakfast ever. I literally love having healthy smoothies in the morning. I've had it for years, like five years now. Healthy summertime breakfast, like sometimes winter not. But a yummy nutritious, healthy smoothie in the morning makes me so happy and I can just look at it and just eat it and be like, oh, I'm so lucky to be able to eat this delicious thing.

Slow mornings when I'm just lying in bed and sipping my tea and waking up slowly and just in my thoughts a bit like not rushing. I used to rush and mission in the morning trying to get to work and like commute and all these things. And I don't have to do that anymore, so I can just be so grateful for that slow morning and just like really sink into it and like acknowledge it and be like, wow I'm lucky. 

Working with the most amazing clients in helping people launch their own offers online. I am so blessed with the people that I get to coach. I love my DBA students and I love my coaching clients. At the moment I'm just feeling so much gratitude for them because I've met such amazing humans, like people who are friends for life I believe. Like even soul connection kind of people.

And like for me that is massive. And even though I'll be like, oh, but I want to have more clients. Look at what I already have and how lucky am I to have that? Having a partner that loves me. Like such a beautiful relationship with Mike, like what a win, what an amazing thing to have someone who is so dedicated and committed and like just such an amazing person to be with in this life.

Making money in my business month after month. Whether it's a high month of 20,000, 25,000, or a low month of 5,000, it's magic. It's pure magic. Money coming to me in my business, human beings working with me. That in itself is magic. I mean, years ago I was making $20 an hour in a teaching job, right?

Like, look what I've done. So when you do this, when you win stack, when you are looking at the good. Before you know it, you have so many wins around you that it's literally impossible for you not to be infused with gratitude. It's like impossible for you to look at your life from a lens of, this isn't good enough and I'm not good enough. Because we are all surrounded and I, I know there are people that are dealing with awful things and I don't want you to like bypass that.

I'm just talking to like the person who's in business or has a normal life and is striving for more. Right? I'm not saying that everything is good around you. There is crap all the time. There's abuse, there's toxicity, there's a lot of bad things that happen, but a lot of us have a lot of good stuff around us.

And if journaling isn't your jam, which for many people it isn't. And for me, I struggle with it. But like win stacking might be your jam. And it's certainly something that I'm finding just like in my own mind. It's just something you can do all the time. So I want you to just like try and fuse it into your day through simply having awareness and saying, I'm going to practice one week of win stacking.

I'm going to see how much better it makes me feel. And then when you live your life, have that awareness of like looking for the good. Just look for the good and celebrate it and breathe it in and take a moment for it and just really be like, wow, that's amazing. I'm really proud. That's powerful. It's so powerful and it's so simple.

It's so simple, but it's amazing. Okay, so how to stack your wins in the simplest way possible. There's like no rule about it, but basically what I'm doing is every day in my life and in my business as I'm living. I'm just consciously and actively looking for all the good, and I'm talking about the smallest thing possible.

Having a smoothie in the morning, drinking a nice cup of coffee. Connecting with my partner, laughing with friends. My brain is like, wow, I love this. This is amazing. So make an effort to find the good, even in the smallest things, and then celebrate the shit out of it. Like be thankful, be grateful for it.

Like just be in that feeling, let your body sit in the feeling of that gratitude. Let it infuse your being. And when you stack upon stack upon stack, it literally stacks up momentum. And you feel it like in your body. You feel it in yourselves. You feel that gratitude and you feel lucky. So when you're having breakfast or having your tea, take a moment to stack the one of just being able to have a nourishing meal. When you're going to say you've got a teaching job still.

Take a moment. Even if some of it's really tough, there are good things about it. I promise you there are good things about it. Look for the good, celebrate the good out of that job. Maybe it is the children you're working with and the connections that you're having with those kids. Look at that. Savour it. Have gratitude for that. Celebrate it. 

When you are sitting in your cozy bed, safe and sound with your loved one next to you. Take a moment and just say, wow. I'm super lucky. I'm super lucky to be in this bed. I'm super lucky to have a loving partner next to me or whatever, even if you don't have a loving partner, I'm just super lucky to be safe in bed.

How amazing. With a roof over my head, like beautiful. Amazing. Do you see how the smallest things that we take for granted we can really just like come back to like gratitude for them? And just moments of that, just moments upon moments of you just stacking and seeking out the good, all the positives, no matter how big or small, even if the things you are experiencing may seem bad at first.

So you may see it as like a bad thing. Your brain will be like, oh, this is bad, or I'm not good enough. And that's very common, especially if you're in business. For example, say you've just built your freebie and you've just started to promote it, and you're promoting your freebie to people on your Instagram or whichever platform you use. And within two weeks you get like 10 people joining your list and grabbing your freebie. Your brain will often be like, oh, I've only got 10 leads.

But instead of looking from a place of losing. Which is that, Ugh, I've only got this amount. Look at it from a place of winning. Holy shit, I've got 10 leads, 10 humans on my email list. That's amazing. 10 people have said yes to being interested in what I have to offer. 10 whole humans that have whole lives that are walking out in the world, living lives.

10 people did that. Imagine how many more people are coming. How much better energetically does that feel? Another example, say you're launching some offer of some sort. Maybe it's your first launch and it's the first time you're launching this product and you don't actually know what's going to happen because you've never launched it before.

It's the first time you don't know if the product's going to sell. And you launch it and you go through this whole experience. It's really intense. I mean, often launches are quite difficult, especially the first one. And two people buy. And I've actually gone through this with a coaching client very long ago. Like years ago when it was just, Yeah, I did not have the best clients because I didn't have boundaries and I was just helping whoever.

And they have gone through this launch and then they had two people that bought and they were so pissed off that only two people bought that they ended up refunding those two people and they didn't even create their course and deliver the course. And I was mortified at that decision. Like how low energy is that?

How would anyone else want to work with you if that's how you're going to show up? Imagine those two people. Imagine what they're thinking. Okay, well I purchased this program, like I said, yes. And now you're saying, no, I'm not going to deliver it. Like, doesn't make any sense to me. It literally broke my brain.

And how would the universe give you any more sales? If that's how you're going to view one sale, why would you get more. That's not the energy for more, that literally is like the energy to repel anything more, in my opinion. So imagine you have two sales. Imagine thinking of it like, oh, I just had two people rather think of it like. 

Holy crap, I built an offer out of thin air from my head. I had the balls to launch and sell it online. I learned a gazillion skills that I've literally never done before, like email marketing, building a funnel, building an email list, selling, promoting, launching. Like I've never done any of this and I've learned all these skills.

And I had two people say yes to me. Two humans took out their credit card and paid me to help them in a program that I just created out of my own. You know, that's just me. Like I did that. I am so freaking proud of myself. What a major win and turning point for me. This is something I look back on my life and I just look at it with such pride.

How much better does that feel energetically? Can you see how that really just raises your vibration? And it's totally okay to feel disappointment. If you are disappointed that you only had two people that bought, I am like all about that. Don't gaslight your feelings and pretend that they don't exist.

Like we are not living in like toxic positivity world. It's okay to feel disappointed. Give yourself a day to feel shit. Be disappointed. And then win stack. Once you felt a little bit sad for yourself and you're like, oh, like a sad story for like a day or two, whatever. Go and get back on the win stacking trend and look for the magic in what has actually just happened.

Look for the story that brings you power, not takes your power away. That's something that I'm really leaning into at the moment. Look for the story that brings you power. Reframe that shit. It can all be reframed. There is so much power in everything. You can find the positive, you can find the lesson, you can find the good. It exists, it's there.

It's just your brain is like focusing on the bad the whole time. But through win stacking, you are actively looking for the good. You're making that conscious effort. And yes, it's going to be very conscious, it's going to be quite a proactive thing that you have to keep doing until it becomes just who you are.

And that's when it's really magical. That's when you really step into your power as a business owner or even into your life because the world's going to reflect that right back to you. So what does win stacking due for our lives in business. What I've seen is it rewires your brain to seek out the good and not the bad.

It teaches your brain to reframe things and find the good. So even if the thing that happens is like perceived as bad, which a lot of the time you'll be doing stuff in business and like things won't work or it's harder than you think, and like all these things happen. 

Win stacking is like helping you actively reframe those things and find the good in it. Because there's always, there's always a yin and a yang. There's always a good and a bad. Like there is a lot of good to certain things, and I know it might be hard to see in the moment, but when you look back, you definitely see why things were meant to be that way.

It brings you back to the present moment of like, oh my gosh, look what's around me. How lucky am I? Just being in that, man, I'm lucky. That vibe that gratitude that is just infused into your beingness daily. You approach life daily with that, with, wow, I'm lucky, like good things are happening to me all the time.

That is super powerful and win stacking reminds your brain of how magical and powerful you are. And we need that. We need to remind our brains because we have got these inner critics inside of our brains that are constantly seeking out the bad and why you're not good enough and why no one cares about you.

And all this like dark wounded, like limiting beliefs, all of that stuff. And so win stacking tackles that by actively looking at how powerful you are how magical you are and how lucky you are and how much abundance is around you. Because at the end of the day, if you can't be happy now with what is, and you think you're only going to be happy later with more leads on your list, with more sales, with more money, with more students, with more clients, with more whatever it is.

And only then do you think you can be in gratitude or lucky or feel abundant, then you're missing the whole point of the journey and you're going to increase your suffering big time because your frequency will be lower. You'll never be content. You'll always be seeking more. No matter how much more comes your way, you're constantly going to default back to that way of being where you're like, it's not enough.

So this is something I experience all the time. This is not something that I'm like able to just be fully grateful and content for what is. Honestly it's a tough human existence of being like an entrepreneur with a lot of ambition and drive and goals that are big goals. 

I want to make a lot more money and I want to impact a lot more people. It's hard to balance that while still being grateful. But it is such an important, important thing. I want you to understand the importance of this because you cannot have more if you can't even be grateful for what is.

And that's something I have to bring myself back to. Be in pride for what you have right now. Be proud of what you've got. Be grateful of everything that you have done in your business. No matter how small. Be in awe. Find the wins and let the wins fill up your body so that you're bubbling with joy, with what you've done with who you are as a person.

With the life that you get to live right now with the breath that you get to breathe. How magical is that? So tiny, like just being able to breathe. Like that's life force energy. If you don't breathe, you're not alive. Tiny, tiny thing we take for granted. But literally when you stop breathing, you leave this planet.

And when people stop breathing, it's like the worst thing that could ever happen to you. So just being grateful for your own breath and being like, oh my gosh, I'm alive. Such a simple thing. How magical is it that I'm like floating on this rock through space and time in this world where I'm still breathing and I'm able to live this life that I get to live and have these people around me and have creativity and be able to build a business and have the chance to work with that coach and have the funds to be able to invest in whatever it is that I love. How amazing that I get to do that.

How lucky am I? So crazy to see your life like that. It's so much more powerful to look at that story and to look at your world with that lens. The other thing is that I think it's very normal for us to desire more. And to be ambitious, especially as business owners, we are constantly desiring more.

Some people are just very ambitious and are wanting more with their life, and I'm one of those people. Okay. That's me. And I know many people listening to my podcast. That's you as well. And I think it's magical to have these desires. I really want your desires for more to propel you forward because I believe that our desires are divine.

I really believe they're divine and they are in us literally guiding us to living our most vibrant and aligned life. Don't ever shame yourself for desiring more. For the 10 K month and the 20 K month and the a hundred K launch or whatever it may be that you are desiring for living whatever life it is that you want truly to your call, that is amazing.

Lean into those desires. Let those desires pull you forward. Let them make you be brave. Let them give you the courage to do the things. Let them help you, move you into action. So you are able to create and manifest them, like let them be there and guide you. But, all I ask is just be in gratitude for where you are now whilst simultaneously holding your desires and moving forward. So you can be proud and grateful and in like, oh my gosh, I'm lucky.

Things are working out for me. Things are good. You can peek in that space. And you can desire more. They can coexist, they can exist together. It's a balance. And often you're feeling like it's definitely a balance because sometimes when you're desiring more, you're constantly like, oh, not enoughness, right? 

So you constantly have to come back to that practice of win stacking and like bringing yourself back to, okay, but look at what I have in my life. Look at what I've done in my business. Look at how much I've made. Even if it's just a thousand bucks. I made a thousand bucks. I'm freaking a badass.

Like, I'm proud of myself. Look at the clients that I get to work with. Look at the students I get to teach. Look at all that I've done. And if you just stack that weekly, monthly, like all over again, it develops into like this magic of who you're being. And that's what I want you to be in.

 I think that's what win stacking is doing for me. And that's what I'm doing with my coaching clients at the moment. So I've decided, as I'm practicing win stacking, I'm practicing it as a practice with my coaching clients and I'm getting them to constantly stack wins every week. Even a couple of times a week, just look at the day and what can we celebrate?

Look at what's going right for you. And they're loving it too. It's amazing. I think this is just a practice that I really wanted to jump on here and just share. It's so simple, it's so effective, it's so transformative. Stack your wins. Find the good, celebrate everything that you love around you.

Celebrate all that you've done. Breathe in the stuff that you've done. Really let it sink in. When you do something good or something good happens, breathe it in, savour it. Acknowledge it. Be like, wow, I am super lucky. I'm super grateful for that. Like, breathe it in. Look at the life that you have.

Look at the people that love you. Look at the business you've built. No matter how small, look at the courage you have. Look at the person you're becoming. Look at the skills you're learning. Look how powerful you are. Look how amazing you are. Look at how amazing your life is. Even if it's tough, there's good stuff there.

Soak it up and then embody it and then become it, right? And then that raises your energy, your frequency, and honestly your reality. Your things will just be reflected back to you. Good things will come. If you're actively looking for the good, you're going to keep creating evidence for the good.

Your brain's going to keep searching for the good and more good's going to come. You're going to have doors open, you're going to have sales come in, things are going to happen for you. If you are being in that energy, like that frequency, and if you're looking at your life with that lens, that's why it's transformative.

And it's transformative. Whether you're in a business, whether you're in work, whatever it may be, I think this is one of the most amazing things. It's as simple as a gratitude practice, except I'm calling it win stacking. And I want you to just infuse it into your week. And I think it's going to be amazing.

And if this episode felt good to you and it resonated with you, and you're going to be win stacking. Please share it with me on Instagram or email me, whatever works for you. Share how it is for you. Tell me how it feels. Just share with me. I'd love to hear from you. I will be win stacking all away, and I hope it helps you as much as I feel it has helped me.

Anyways, it has been wonderful chatting to you. Go have a beautiful day, and I will chat to you again next week. 

Thanks so much for listening to today's episode. If you are a teaching business owner, freelance teacher, or online teacher, and you are interested in creating a digital course or group program to scale your income and impact without teaching more hours, then I have just the thing for you. 

Grab my free scalable digital course roadmap and it will walk you through the six steps of turning your one-on-one classes into a scalable offer that frees you from the teacher burnout track. Creating scalable courses and programs have allowed me to 10 x my hourly rates, hit six-figures in my business, and impact hundreds and hundreds of people around the world without having to be actively teaching all day. 

If this is what you desire, grab my guide in the show notes and let me help you. 

I appreciate you so much, and I can't wait to connect with you in the next episode. In the meantime, go create a business and life you love.

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The Empowered Edupreneur is your weekly dose of business and mindset development geared towards educators in online business. 

Michelle's mission is simple: To help educators unlock their infinite potential within, take back their power, and make their own money online. In this podcast, you can expect weekly inspiration, relatable stories, and business advice to help you grow your online business with more ease and joy (and fewer teaching hours). 

Be sure to hit subscribe so you don't miss an episode! 

Tags: How to create more good things, How to be more grateful, How to improve my business and life, How to have more success come to me.

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