Episode 19:

The ONE thing you are overlooking to make more money in your business

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Hey, amazing one. Welcome back to The Empowered Edupreneur Podcast.

Today I am coming to you with some woo-woo talk! My favourite😊!

What I am seeing repeatedly is that business owners (especially educators who go into business) are ignoring a very important part of growing their business and they are focusing just on strategy. They spend hours trying to learn the strategy and they forget one of the most important parts of growing their income in business. Their identity, thoughts, beliefs, and ENERGY.

In this podcast you are going to learn:

  • How your identity, thoughts, beliefs form your energy and how your energy can move mountains in business.
  • How trying to scale your income without scaling your internal world to hold / create that success doesn’t make sense or work.
  • How prioritizing working on your internal world is as important as working on your strategy/external in business.

This is the topic that is bubbling in me these days and it is the seed of my next offer coming soon! Yes, you heard right! I am dropping an offer that will dive more deeply into elevating our CEO selves (identity and energy) in business! You will hear more about it soon.

If this episode inspired you in some way, then take a screenshot of you listening on your device and post it to your Instagram stories, and tag me @_digiteach_.

If you would like to leave a review, then you can do so on iTunes and Spotify. Thank you so much for supporting my podcast

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  • Unlock your potential and take the leap towards a thriving online education business with The Digiteachers Biz Academy - Join the waitlist now!



Welcome to the Empowered Edupreneur Podcast. My name is Michelle Smit, and I am an ex-teacher turned online business coach for Edupreneurs. The owner of Digiteach and a six-figure entrepreneur. I am in love with empowering educators just like you to create freedom filled online businesses and lives they love. If you are looking to up-level your skills, your finances, your mindset, and change the trajectory of your life as an educator and business, then you are in the right place.

Think of this podcast as your weekly dose of business and mindset development to help unlock the infinite potential within you, to play bigger with your life and go after your dreams. We are going to have so much fun together. So thank you so much for pushing play today. Now let's dive in.

Hello, amazing one. I hope you are doing fabulously and you're having a delightful day. I have recently had all these epic downloads and moments of clarity that have come through that have told me to start. Creating a new offer. Now, this is a big deal for me because the last three years of my business, I have really only offered one main program, and that is the Digiteachers Biz Academy.

That's really where my focus has been. So for me to be getting this very strong new energy for this new program is massive and it's very much the time that this offer needs to come out. But this offer is coming from a very different place, and I've had many more years in my business. I have grown.

Exceptionally in these last years on the inside and my skillset, and so I have seen something that is recurring over and over again, and it's something that most educators in business don't even consider in their journey of growing their business. Like it's not even a priority and because it's not a priority.

They don't focus on it and they continue to struggle and they struggle to make money. They struggle to scale up. And often I just see that they are looking at the wrong places. Right? They are focusing on heavily on strategy and how to which, yes, as a beginner in business, this is something you need to focus on and learn.

You need to learn the strategy and the skills. Building an audience, selling to an audience, creating offers delivering on your services or your products, all of that jazz, like you need to know the strategy and how to, so this is very needed. It's that masculine energy stuff. It's, it needs to happen, but once you are making money, like you've sold your course before, or you have had one-on-one clients, or one-on-one students, or you've sold a group coaching program, whatever offer it is.

Once you start making money and you start wanting to grow that income, it, it often becomes less about the strategy and more about your energy. Okay, so. This is what this podcast is going to be about, your energy and how important it is, right? The key thing that no one's looking at your energy is made up of your identity, your belief system, your thoughts, and your unique soul signature.

Yes, this episode is going to be pretty damn woowoo and spiritual. But growing a business requires you to tap into this. And also we are spiritual beings. Like, let's not deny it. We are not robots on this planet. We are actual spiritual beings and we are made up of more energy in ourselves than we are of actual matter.

So everything around us is energy. We are. Go learn about quantum physics. This is a science. This is proven. This isn't bullshit. I'm not talking nonsense here. Go check out Joe Dispenza work. It's all about quantum physics and energy, and how our energy can alter our reality. So this episode really is going to be a bit brain crunching, but stay with me.

Stay in the room, because this concept is going to serve you so well in business. And especially if you're wanting to grow, make more money, scale up and things like that. If you are hustling hard with all the strategy, you're doing all the things you're selling and you're launching, but you're not seeing the conversion rates you desire, people aren't buying as much as you'd like, and you're really in this situation of wanting to scale up to maybe multiple five-figure months, maybe you want to be on your way to a six-figure year, and this is just not happening. This episode is for you. 

This is my invite to you to stop thinking how to strategically in your masculine grow your business, but to work from the inside out and start priming your internal world, your energy for money and growth and expansion. Your energy is like this invisible frequency that radiates out into the world.

You know how like someone walks into a room and you can feel their energy? You can just feel something in the air, something in your body, you can just feel it, right? Or when you meet someone who you have like a soul connection with and you feel this mad chemistry, this magnetic energy that draws you too closer, which you can't get enough of. 

Now, that's the energy, right? That's what's working. And so it exists. You've experienced this. This isn't all just nonsense. You've likely experienced that feeling. Now we all have a unique energetic signature, right? It's like a fingerprint. And it's almost like a combination of things.

I'm going to go down into this rabbit hole, but what happens when we are born, essentially, when we are born into this world, we are born infinitely abundant. We come into this world as a baby and we are intrinsically abundant. That is our natural way of being. We are these beautiful, empty canvases of potential with our whole lives ahead of us, with our brains that have been untouched by the nonsense of society.

Our soul is abundant. Our natural way of being is abundant. When we come into this world. When you look at a baby and you see them smile, and you feel that energy that is pure love and abundance, it is unconditional. It is infinite. And then what happens is we grow up and we go to school and we get told by our teachers we aren't good enough.

At some point we get bad grades, we fail some tests, we get bullied, we get told we're fat or ugly by, bullies. We get told by our parents in some ways, in the messaging, without intention, of course, but that we can't do this or that money doesn't grow on trees, and you have to work extremely hard and sell your soul to make money.

And we are told by our schools that you need to learn these things to be successful and your interests aren't really that important. But learning about parallelograms in school and algebra is essential and art isn't necessary. And then when you finish school, you need to go to university and start studying something that you barely even know is an interest of yours.

But you were told that this is something you should study, like law or medicine or education to fit into the world and make a living. And then you keep going through life, having these experiences that slowly chip away at you. They chip away at your belief in yourself. They chip away at you dreaming big.

Remember, as a kid you probably wanted to be like an astronaut or something. They chip away at your ability to be curious and play and creative. As kids, that's what we are. As we grow up, we lose that. It's chipped away at us. They chip away at your self-esteem. How you look at yourself, how you feel about yourself, they chip away at your perspective of yourself, and slowly but surely, you start doubting yourself more and more.

They erode your ability to trust yourself, to trust your intuition, so that connection of you and your heart and your soul and your gut that gets lost. You lose that along the way, our upbringing, our environment, society, those around us. Parents, even though they don't mean any harm and we love them, but parents as well, it's just a perpetual cycle really tells you these rules.

Of who you have to be and how this world works and how we have to fit into it, and we lose ourself in the process. In other words, our nurture, our environment affects our nature, our inherent abundance, our nurture, our environment slowly erodes our nature of abundance. Our Nurture, society, parenting, programming, just life, the world we live in.

All of that is in direct opposition with our natural state of abundance. And so over time, as we grow up, we become scarce. We operate at a very scarce. Low frequency. We are driven with fear and scarcity all the time in media and over time, that forms our identity and our belief system, our thoughts and as a result, our energy. 

And so we start perpetuating the exact same cycle. That's why you see generationally repetitions or cycles because you just grow up the same way and you just repeat the same cycle and just never gets broken. And because our identity and our belief system and our energy is now rooted in scarcity, lack, and fear.

We tend to play small. We tend to stay safe. We tend to not take risks. And not only that, but we perpetuate the exact cycle of scarcity, fear and lack that we are trying to run away from that we don't want that we hate because our energy is like this little frequency that admits out into the world and it attracts that which it is.

So scarcity, attracts scarcity. Lack attracts lack. These are the laws of attraction, the laws of the universe. So not society's manmade rules, but the universal laws that are timeless principles. And at some point in our life as adults, this often happens. We have this like, what the hell is this? My life moment?

This moment of, normally you have to hit rock bottom to have this kind of moment, but things have to get really misaligned and uncomfortable for you to hit this moment where you're just like, what am I doing? I am not happy. This is not what I'm here for. This is literally not what, this can't be it. Right.

And that often leads us to explore change when humans. Like hit rock bottom or some bad thing happens to them, or there's, there's this massive impulse for change. Often we need to have the negative thing in order for us to make the change, right? To actually push ourselves into that change. And often this is how we come into starting our businesses.

It's with a desire that we want more, we want change. Our soul knows we are destined for more. We know we've got more potential. We are miserable in our current situation or unhappy, and we deeply desire to make more money, to have more free time to live a more aligned. And to expand and evolve. Now as a human species, our greatest purpose on this planet, I really do believe is to evolve, grow, and expand, and learn the lessons we need to learn in this lifetime to integrate them.

Overcome them and ascend higher in our consciousness and our frequency. That is very spiritual. And you might be like, what am I on about? But at the end of the day, that is really on a spiritual level, what we are doing on this planet. We are these beings that are living these lives and we are going through lessons and we're.

We're doing all the things because we are meant to evolve and grow and expand. Like that's what I think our purpose here on Earth is to do. And you come back if you believe in reincarnation or, yeah, I think it's reincarnation, but multiple lies. Like you come back and you come back and you come back and you keep evolving and growing and expanding, and you keep rising higher in your consciousness and your frequency and stuff. 

Almost to like enlightenment, okay. So that's the spiritual thing, right? And then we are now adults. We've craving change. We are desiring to evolve and grow and expand because that is our Natural being.

We've lost touch with our soul's purpose and our abundant natural state. And then we start a business, and most of you listening now are teachers or educators in business and we start a business with the desire of wanting to make more money in all of this stuff, right? That's the often the goal of the business at the beginning is like, I'm signing this business to make money and create some.

Give myself some more time or whatever. And then what happens is we need to go from zero to generating money in our own business, and then eventually we need to learn how to scale up our money and keep growing the business and all that jazz. And so what I see are these business owners who tell me they are desiring a 10K launch a 50K launch, a 100K year, like a six-figure year, 5K months, whatever it is to scale up their business or to make more money, right?

And they're doing all the strategy things. But they are still operating and existing and functioning at the identity belief system and energy as a result. Energy that they were as potentially educators being paid by a boss or as very early business owners who just have lacking, lacking the, the belief system and the mindset and all that.

Their identity and belief system and thoughts are still heavily rooted in being in fear scarcity, I am not good enough. I can't, this is impossible. Who am I kidding? Kind of vibe. And so their energy is just not incongruence with their monetary business goals. They are saying they want something on the external, more money, but they aren't working on the number one thing that's really going to help them generate more money.

And this really is a massive thing that many people don't realize, and that is their identity. So how they see themselves relate to the world, show up in the world, their beliefs and stories, the stories they tell about themselves, their abilities in the, their thoughts, how they speak to themselves, how they think of themselves, what they say to themselves.

And that sort of forms their energy, right? How they show up in the world and with what conviction they show up in in, right? Like, and so what happens is they, they spend all their time on learning business strategy, like what kind of launch method to use, or how to create a better freebie or lead magnet, or how to increase sales conversions and how to create content.

But they don't look at their internal game, which is their leadership, their belief in themselves, their confidence in themselves, their identity. As a thriving business owner, their belief system of holding more money, their nervous system and ability to create safety in charging higher prices and holding more money.

So you have these, and I am guilty of this. I have done this myself when I was growing my business. I was very, especially after making money. I knew, cool, I could make money now let me grow this bad boy and make more money, and then I got into this thing of, oh my gosh, I need to do more strategy and more funnels and more like offers and I need to create more products.

It's all this external strategy stuff and it just wasn't working, okay. It wasn't really getting me anywhere. It was like I was running on a hamster wheel. And so eventually I decided to start working on my identity and my stories and my beliefs around money and my beliefs around how much I could make, and what was possible. 

And my relationship with money became a big thing in 2022, the year we had our first six like figure business, the time, like, yeah, the first time we had six-figures essentially. I really started focusing on that kind of stuff. So like relationship with money, my energy around money, how I work with it, how I feel around it, my stories about it, my beliefs about myself.

Like really looking at that stuff, like the internal stuff and really questioning a lot of the stuff that I was saying to myself and believing and all the stories and things, and realizing that they were so out of alignment with where I wanted to go and the money I wanted to make.

And so I started doing the work. Lots of different tools helping me do it, lot of awareness and just consistency in it. But visualization, breath work, learning about the quantum physics stuff. EFT tapping, like lots of different things. Helping me release old stories and rewrite new stories, right?

And so I spent this time rebuilding my identity and there was a long point where I was still operating as like a teacher. I wasn't really fully stepping into cool, I'm a business owner. I'm here to literally crush it and I'm going to make beautiful big money. I was not there on an identity level.

I was wanting it, but I wasn't actually there, so I had to work. on that first, I really had to go inward and work on that and really align myself, my internal world with what I desired, which was more money and less work and all of these things and like creating evidence for how it was possible and all that jazz.

And that's what I did. And as a result, we started making. A lot more money and hitting those six-figure years and five-figure months and working less. Less than I'd ever done before really. It was very strange to be working at that level and making that amount of money.

Like it was a very uncomfortable feeling at first, because you're like, shouldn't I be doing something? And yeah, there's a lot that goes into growing your income and making more money in your business. So at first, I really do believe as an entry level business owner, someone who's starting from scratch. Say you're a teacher, you're starting online business, there's a lot of strategy how to, that you need to learn, like you need to straight up learn skills, okay?

Skills need to be learned. You cannot skip that process, that's very masculine vibes. We need it. That's how you build the foundation of your business is in that masculine energy. And then there comes a point where you are making money and you want to grow your income and make more money, and it starts to become more about your energy.

If you believe in yourself, your confidence, your conviction. If you are going to sell an offer, say you want to make a, say you want to have a five-figure launch or a multiple five-figure launch, and you are selling an offer and you just are not confident it's going to come off energy-wise, that energy you can feel. You can feel a lack of confidence energy. 

And that's totally fine. Like we have to start somewhere. But you need to work on that. Like that's the thing you need to work on, is believing in yourself, believing in your abilities to help people, believing in your product and believing and like being very open about that.

And that energy is much more magnetic. So I've had situations where I'm helping people launch and there's all this like fear and anxiety and stress, obviously that comes with launching and selling stuff. But the biggest challenge is not the strategy, it's their internal game and it's the way that they talk to themselves.

It's the stories they create about themselves. It's like, I'm not enough, who am I to be doing this? This dialogue in their mind and their identity as a lot of them are still very entrenched in not a business owner identity. And so there is incongruence, and I know it's very airy fairy to say, work on your internal stuff first, because it's easier to work on strategy.

It's easier for someone to say here's A, B, C, D, go apply it. It's like a recipe. You just go apply the recipe. The internal stuff is not like a recipe. It's really very personal and it's very different based on different people. Some people have different blocks than, everyone's got different blocks.

Everyone's got different. Resistance points, struggles, and so you need to, this journey of being a business owner and making more money is, is the part of this work needs to be the internal staff. and it's a personal journey and you can have mentors help you with it, but it's work that you need to do and it's work that you need to create space for, and it's something you are most likely overlooking.

So if you're hustling and grinding and doing all the strategy, but you're not working on your belief system and you're trying to launch or create content from a, I'm not good enough energy. It's, it's, it translates and you're trying to sell something that you just have no confidence in.

It does translate. So it really is about building yourself up and finding, creating awareness and finding the blocks, finding. The internal resistance, looking at your relationship with money, looking at your stories about money like rewriting all of that. Because if you keep telling yourself, oh, I can only make X amount per month, that's only possible for me.

There's going to be very hard to scale up to making more money. Because your belief system isn't in line with it. And when your identity and belief system isn't in line with it. It's very difficult to make it happen. And so instead of looking on the external of like, oh, I need to do X posts, I need to create X Instagram posts a week, or I need to like all of the strategy stuff, ask yourself, what is the income or money that I desire and who do I have to become and what energy and frequency?

Do I have to admit to, to bring that into my life? To, to manifest that. To create that? Who do I have to be to hold the money and success I desire? And that doesn't mean that you are not inherently good enough. You are good enough. The problem is that you have forgotten your potential. You have forgotten because of our nurture and the, our environment and growing.

That has eroded away at your, at your self-esteem and your confidence and events have happened in your life that have caused trauma or massive blocks, and these things have happened to you. They are real life human experiences, and now you need to look at them and you need to resolve them, and you need to heal and you need to, you need to come to a place.

Ultimate self-acceptance and there's so much of that in this journey actually, where you can tell a story that is very much empowered in your mind and not disempowered, and then as a result, think empowering thoughts. And as a result from that space, your energy is very different and you take bolder moves.

You take bolder actions, you do different things in your business, and then as a result, it leads to more money. So it really is something that I'm passionate about. I have been seeing a lot of educators in business struggling with this and wondering like what am I doing wrong?

It's often like, oh, let me just go get more strategy. But it's not strategy. It's your identity, belief system, energy, thoughts, your programming. It's that frequency is not, it's, you need to literally rebirth yourself. And that is a very active process, like it's not something that's just going to happen.

You need to be conscious of it and you need to work on it, and you need to create space for it in your schedule, just like you would create space for learning new skills and strategy stuff, you need to have times where you are diving into this content, whether it's podcasts or books, and you're doing the work and you're trying different tools like visualization, tapping all sorts of these things that are so powerful to help.

Realign your internal world and remember, basically just remember your potential. Remember who you came here to be. And not let all the other crap like that society tells you, rule your life. So it really is hard work. It's the work that is not spoken about enough. And it's something that I believe is absolutely transformative and changes your life in a huge way in all areas of your life. 

And I really believe that if you want to make more money and you want to scale up to five-figure months, six-figure year, you have to become the version of yourself who can hold that success and money. You have to show up as that version of yourself now, and if you haven't achieved it yet, there is incongruence. And you need to look at what, what that incongruence is like, what is not aligning with your internal world and your external reality and you work on it. 

And so this is definitely something that is going to be very big in my new program that's coming. I am simmering on it and. Bubbling on it and marinating, as I like to say, and the, the clarity is coming and it's forming and it's beautiful and it's, I'm so excited. Like I feel like this new life force energy with this offer, and I know how absolutely impactful it will be.

Because it's what I believe educators or just business owners. I mean, it doesn't have to be educating business owners, but business owners who are struggling to, to scale up and make more money. Obviously there will be strategy involved. But there is a lot of aligning your identity, your belief system and all of the WOOWOO stuff, that's so very, very important and overlooked as well.

And I mean it really is valuable for educators in business because a lot I can relate to that because we are so entrenched in our education identity, like our teacher identity. It's very hard to step into our business owner identity. And we really need to step into not only a business owner identity, but your six-figure business owner identity, like your badass CEO level.

I am limitless kind of identity. That's what I want to help you do in this office. So I'm, yeah, that's just a bit of a breadcrumb for you for now. I will be releasing it soon, couple of weeks or so. But yeah, this was a really off the cuff episode, and it's something that I, it's like food for thought.

Can you think about this a bit further? Look at what? Look at how you're operating. Are you giving enough time to this stuff? Maybe you're overlooking it and maybe this is the, the key. This is the key to you really taking your business to the next level and making the money you desire. This is the one of the.

Keys, I think, to unlocking that. All right, so that's me for today. I hope you love this episode. If you feel like, oh my gosh, this was amazing and you resonated, then please send me a message on Instagram. Let me know. This feedback is so valuable for me. I love this. I hope you guys love this stuff too, because I'm going to keep talking about it regardless but yeah, I really hope this was insightful and eye-opening, and you're like, huh, okay, onto something now. 

All right, so have an amazing day and I will chat to you soon. Bye. 

Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode. If you love what you heard today, then be sure to share it with me by leaving a five-star review so I can continue delivering these goodies. If you aren't already following me on social media, then come tune into some daily inspiration on Instagram. By following @_digiteach_ or visiting my website at digiteach.biz. 

I appreciate you so much, and I can't wait to connect with you in the next episode. In the meantime, go create a business and life you love.

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The Empowered Edupreneur is your weekly dose of business and mindset development geared towards educators in online business. 

Michelle's mission is simple: To help educators unlock their infinite potential within, take back their power, and make their own money online. In this podcast, you can expect weekly inspiration, relatable stories, and business advice to help you grow your online business with more ease and joy (and fewer teaching hours). 

Be sure to hit subscribe so you don't miss an episode! 

Tags: beliefs, CEO identity, business owner, identity, thoughts, energy, strategy, income growth, internal world, scaling success, prioritizing, internal world work, mindset, business power, mindset growth.

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